
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    * Forget chance of static NPCs returning to their spawn points after a feign death is now back to 100%.
    * Two minute forget timer for feign death has been increased to 10 minutes.
    * Lull critical fail chance is now 93% - Charisma * 100 / 375, 15% minimum.
    * Lull fade early chance is now 1% * (targetLevel - casterLevel + 2) per tick.
    * Archery was doing twice the damage it should have and has been corrected.
    * Critical hits and crippling blows will now do more accurate (but not precise) damage.
    * Pets should no longer attack feigned players and will no longer aggro on DoT ticks.
    * Unconscious, stunned, sitting, crouched, or feigned clients will no longer riposte.
    * Players that have charmed mobs targeted, will no longer have their target go invalid after charm breaks. No more re-targeting required.
    * Fixed SE_Tossup on clients
    * Fixed some angles associated with spell pushback and pushup.
    * Fixed a couple of potential memory leaks.
    * Added NPC special attack to allow any NPC to use Warrior combat skills.

    * Pet hp regen has been adjusted. Pets will also now regen in combat. (this went in with the hotfix but was not mentioned)
    * Some raid boss NPCs that are not warriors will now possess the warrior skills of dodge, parry, riposte, kick, and bash.
    * Outdoor Kunark dragons will now drop 3-4 items randomly and 2-5 spells randomly instead of always 4 and 4.
    * Trepidation removed from NPC spell sets, along with some other not-as-noteworthy spells.
    * Some group buff spells removed from NPC spell sets since NPCs don't cast them on others.
    * Several priority changes made to the enchanter and shaman default spell sets.
    * NPCs will no longer ignore charmed pet tanks after a certain number of entities get on their hate lists. This disables what was implemented in the previous patch.
    * Replace roambox with Grids in Skyfire so mobs will no longer fall under the world.
    * Added a missing mob "a_goblin_fanatic" in Droga
    * add zol knights and kor shamans to the spawngroups near Sebilis Entrance.
    * all knights in Sebilis should now see invisible.
    * Pained soul and rotting skeleton should now be indifferent.
    * Adjusted respawntimer for Pained/PH to 6:30 to 7 minutes.
    * made some adjustment to Dark Elf Agnostic faction toward Arcane Scientist to be dubiiously.
    * Hunter and Forager should no longer be buffed to sow.
    * removed the phantom sword on goblin dirtscriber in Droga.
    * add idol of the underking to Slizik the mighty in hole.
    * add missing loot smoldering brand and adjust imbued granite spaulders on elementals in hole.
    * increase spawn chance to 5% on drolvarg captain in Karnor

    * corrupted seafury cyclop should no longer despawn.
    * adjust faction hits or the investigator quest line.
  2. agia

    agia Member

    Aggro is currently remaining on static mobs after FD. This makes splitting impossible, and when pulling in groups having to /q on every pull and wait 5+ minutes for LD to kick in etc is just unrealistic.