4-15-2021 (HOTFIX)

Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Apr 15, 2021.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    * Fixes to water pathing where mobs got pushed above ceiling. This caused ghost mobs at zonein.
    * Fixes to mobs that stay in water, so they will not run through walls to get to a separate area of water not connected.
    * Mobs which are supposed to stay in water, will now follow the EvadeCombat method when they cannot reach their mobs loaded when the NPC loads, rather than retrieve default method from NPCS types.
    * NPCs which are no longer aggro, will follow the RunToTarget method when pathing home if they get stuck. Rather than follow the stuck method, which applies to only trying to reach their target.

    * added back pyramid objects to karana, north ro, and common
    Sketchy, Mechaike, Baler and 2 others like this.
  2. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    * correct heading when npcs summon players
    * tweak mob position rounding
    Sketchy, Mechaike, Baler and 2 others like this.
  3. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    did a little testing of pulling in ssra tubes and it seemed to work perfectly.

    I did have one instance post-hotfix of one character being unable to see some npcs that my other 2 characters could see, happened with the two entrance wurms in halls of testing. I also noticed it a little yesterday with golems in plane of fear.
  4. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Eastern karana still same issues. Can’t bow mobs on spider hill. Not sure rest of zone. Spells work. Seems like attack is fine once they are engaged. Had to be on top of mob and engage with a kick.
  5. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Kedge is a little better, but still has issues with mobs out of LoS while they can hit you.
    Lots of mobs are out of position also - there are piranhas in wrong tubes, and mermaids where there shouldn't be mermaids. It's like they warped away from spawn.

    Here are videos of mobs that can't be hit or cast on:

    can't hit mermaid stuck in ceiling

    same fight, point of view from caster, can't cast on the mob "you cannot see your target"
  6. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Here's a weird one, pulled Undertow down a little bit, could cast on him then couldn't cast on him. Melee was also sporadically able to hit him and not able to hit.

    Just alternated between being in LoS, and then "you cannot see your target". While not seemingly appearing any different on my screen.

  7. GreldorEQ

    GreldorEQ Active Member

    We had mobs returning to spawn through walls in seru after the hotfix, and fleeing into walls.
    Lyrina likes this.
  8. Break

    Break People Like Me

    Also in kedge: I had two seahorses aggro on the way to Phinny's room. I've never gotten aggro on my there. I had a fixed duration invis, so I know it didn't drop. One was a seahorse patriarch, so that named possibly sees through invis. This was my first time seeing him.

    I just thought I would note this in case he was out of place.
  9. goliath3z

    goliath3z New Member

    Seahorse Patriarch sees invis I believe.
  10. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    He does, and his regular hangout is the room just outside Phinny's. I've run afoul of him before; I don't think this can be called a bug.
  11. Break

    Break People Like Me

    That makes sense. I see that he is a very rare spawn. I'm glad it's not a pathing bug.
  12. 98bcobra

    98bcobra Member

    Had mobs in KC this morning flee through walls. As well as hit and aggro through walls in KC and City of Mist. Couple time mobs would be in plain view couldnt hit or cast on them only a pet could do damage of any kind. Only zones I was today was KC and CoM.
  13. 98bcobra

    98bcobra Member

    Also just remembered some mobs wouldnt show on their spawn like they had been killed. If you ran past them they aggro (I assumed from under the world) and show up all the sudden.
  14. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Corpse-camping mobs aren't corpse camping - specifically Shei's adds.
    They are pathing back to spawn now.

    Also may need to test: Rhozths in Ssra and other trap type mobs
  15. Break

    Break People Like Me

    I had a goranga scout run up the side of the mountain today near the AR entrance while it was dying. I let my pet finish him off because I needed to med. The mob ended up dying too high on the zone wall to loot.

    I didn't care because it was a scout, but that would stink for a shard mob.
  16. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    With some NPCs being out of position due to whatever pathing issue, that stupid dwarf skeleton that attacks you every time at druid port-in in Butcherblock isn't there anymore. REJOICE!
    silver lining and all that
    Neealana, Mechaike and Break like this.
  17. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Also the Datarate is very high at the moment, referring to this issue: https://www.takproject.net/forums/index.php?threads/navmesh-part-3-last-day.18533/#post-94363

    During the raid yesterday everyone was talking about the second ping meter number (right hand side, datarate one) being incredibly high. It spiked to 10-20k for people, especially during times where the whole raid was moving and fighting. Those people on slower connections can fall behind in sync and get disconnected.

    Very noticeable difference since last patch. I suspect it's related to mob positioning updates or some other similar change. The mob rubber-banding issue isn't there anymore, but datarate is insanely high on raids.
    GreldorEQ likes this.
  18. Lyrina

    Lyrina Member

    The very same happend yesterday evening to our group.

    At 1h51m28s, "a revenous beast" starts to flee and ends up, outside of the zonewall:
  19. GreldorEQ

    GreldorEQ Active Member

    " second ping meter number (right hand side, datarate one) being incredibly high"

    I'm near east coast with a wired broadband connection, my "left number" is usually 50, my "right number" fluctuates wildly from 100-10,000 - This definitely seems to be the source of my issues.
  20. Barnd0g

    Barnd0g People Like Me

    GreldorEQ and Aithne like this.
  21. GreldorEQ

    GreldorEQ Active Member

    Right - complaining and QA feedback are totally the same thing!
    Barnd0g likes this.