Did any guilds kill Cazic Thule in classic?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pithy, Nov 11, 2020.

  1. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    I was just remembering how fun and challenging the revamped, Luclin-era Vulak ring was back in Velious. Also, how cool it was that Austerity and Destiny killed the Velious-era Cazic Thule (the god, not the zone) back in Kunark.

    I wasn't around during classic, though. Did any guilds try the revamped Cazic back then? Was he even in the game? I imagine he would've been pretty damn hard at level 50!
  2. actualspaide

    actualspaide People Like Me

    I dont think he was killed until kunark
  3. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    Not even Draco was killed in Classic, i remember Austerity saying they tried
  4. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    Ah yeah, draco's lifetap must've been brutal at 50. And he would've been really hard to slow...
  5. Mitya

    Mitya Well-Known Member

    Yeah but there weren't "limits" either, were there? I figure you throw enough bodies at something and eventually it drops dead lol.
  6. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Raiding anything challenging that is likely to result in many wipes pre-Cleric epics, ugh. Waiting for those 49-50 clerics to meditate for every single rez.
  7. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    I thought we killed Draco pre-Kunark, but that was so long ago, don't take my word for it.
  8. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    I think Terror died maybe just twice before kunark, and one was to starvald demelain chaining mage pets on a raid of just mages and it made a bunch of people mad.
    Radda likes this.
  9. actualspaide

    actualspaide People Like Me

    Seems destiny didnt kill draco until after trak. Im not sure about when austerity may have killed him they arent on the guild kill list
  10. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    CT died at the end of Kunark by Destiny from what I remember, it was a fairly big deal at the time.
    Tesadar likes this.
  11. Tesadar

    Tesadar Active Member

    Yeah we did and my SK is wearing his Pauldrons of Ferocity still
  12. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    I figure this is a good of time as any to tell this story, especially since some time has passed.

    IIRC Destiny organized a server wide raid back in Kunark era. I didn't get home or into Plane of Fear until the very end of the clear. I was an unguilded freshly 60 noob Necro. Destiny were top dogs back then and bless their hearts opened up rolls to randoms when CT died. I won the server first FT item, the Robe of Inspiration. I gave away my Shiny Robe of the Underfoot I was wearing to the runner up so I never got the flak I deserved. Fun times, and thanks Destiny peeps.
    Slayzz, Sketchy and Tuluvien like this.
  13. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    I remember that raid. Congrats! We used to do a fair amount of open raiding on AK. I assume we will get back there someday, when content is less contested. Those were fun times.
    Beaaden and Verdent like this.
  14. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Only fight that mattered that day was CT and if you were there, you helped. We needed the open raid because we couldn't do it otherwise :)
    Sketchy and Verdent like this.
  15. actualspaide

    actualspaide People Like Me

    I think we actually killed ct a couple weeks before the open raid but still held it since it had already been announced
    Tesadar and Beaaden like this.