New player - intro & advice

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by sicnus, Apr 12, 2020.

  1. sicnus

    sicnus New Member

    Hi, Happy Easter for those of you that celebrate it. I'm new to TAKP & I'm very happy I found it. I'm a 50 y/o player that played EQ until RoK. I'm a retired/disabled RN that worked for over 20 years. I live in Kansas, USA. I've started a druid (surprise, right?) named 'samsic'. Between the $ & disabilities I have I have been using the same PC (Win7) for half a dozen years now (or more...) I needed something to occupy my mind & something that I could handle. I'm not an old man in my mind just my body :) I hope to be a part of the community here - enjoy the game & make acquaintances!

    That said, I have been reading up on the site & I have a question that I hope isn't loaded but I also don't want to regret a poor start & shoot myself in the foot. I'm asking for advice. Should a guy start with the 3 boxing thing - right off the bat or should I do what I had planned and just start slow with one? In your opinion? I don't think there is a right or wrong answer - just preference from experience which I do not have. Thanx!
    Cadsuane likes this.
  2. Foxhorde

    Foxhorde People Like Me

    do You have ideas on what your 3 box combo will be?
  3. sicnus

    sicnus New Member

    While not popular (from what little I have read) I would go (possibly, open here to advice as well) cleric (heal) druid (dps) & a tank, which I haven't figured out yet (I love healing classes, so I'm leaning to paladin but I recall how bad they were also)
  4. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    There's no harm at all in getting oriented on one toon. It's easy to add more later and to catch up, if you have the desire. It can be hard finding lower level groups, and so a lot of people choose to 3 box .

    Alternately you could ease in with just two toons, something to support your druid, a tank maybe.

    Ultimately I think you can't go wrong whichever way you choose. It's easy enough to change it all at any time you wish.
    sicnus likes this.
  5. MikayahEQ

    MikayahEQ Well-Known Member

    Hail and welcome!

    You will likely find that most folks here do 3-box, for the convenience of always having a group ready to go. Even with that said, single-box is possible, and someone leveling a trio is almost always happy to have a 4th for the bonus xp. Leveling groups can be a challenge sometimes, especially at the lower levels, but with a druid there are tons of options for soloing, if you like that playstyle.

    Ultimately, it's up to you. PAL/DRU/CLR would be a little low on DPS, but you would have a ton of utility, although you would be missing slow, but as you mentioned, you'd have loads of healing.
    sicnus likes this.
  6. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    Druid is one of the 4 most-viable solo classes. Play what you like!
  7. sicnus

    sicnus New Member

    Is there such a thing (now) as a high dps tank?
  8. Guilder

    Guilder Member

    Welcome to TAKP! I hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of us. Be sure to /join alliance. People are very generous with buffs that will greatly benefit you (Kei, potg, ect). As far as solo vs box, do what you like. If you want to box later on, you might as well start now. That's just my two coppers of advice. As far as tanks go, beastlords are quite capable and offer a pet for added dps. I hope to see you around!
    sicnus likes this.
  9. sicnus

    sicnus New Member

    Wow, never heard of the Beastlord - I'll check them out! Thanx 2 u & all that have replied so far.
  10. Ripwind

    Ripwind People Like Me

    You could totally duo Bst/Dru effectively.

    Look me up in game (Syphie, or Syphietrader) and I'll gladly help you out with some money for spells and gear.
    Cadsuane and sicnus like this.
  11. sicnus

    sicnus New Member

    Appreciate that
  12. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    I think if this your reintroduction to the game after 20 years, just playing your Druid to find your footing is probably a good idea. If and when you decide you want more, you’re in a great position to power level up the alts.
  13. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    I agree. Start with druid! Add beastlord later if you're inspired to.

    Three-boxing is for the birds. Even people who are good at it are bad at it.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
    Neealana and Kithani like this.
  14. sicnus

    sicnus New Member

    Thank you all, I have a lot to /con
  15. Foxhorde

    Foxhorde People Like Me

    I would say start with the cleric and Druid. Not the best duo but play your Druid like you normally would solo and just swap over to the cleric to nuke and heal, will help you get the hang of boxing just by swapping toons and targets. Get a feel for it then as you get more comfortable boxing and decided on your third class Druid cleric can pl them up pretty quickly
    sicnus likes this.
  16. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    I’ve seen a few do Druid/pal/ench, seems like a powerful trio. Beast/dru/bard is another good looking trio. I single boxed back in the old days, never boxed before. This was the first server I boxed on and loved it. Don’t wait too long especially if your thinking about it. Search the forums for great tips on boxing, setting up QoL hotkeys, etc.
    sicnus likes this.
  17. Ugmar

    Ugmar Member

    Druid / Pal / Ench is very solid. Without charm killing it can be incredibly slow DPS.

    Bst / Druid / Bard sounds very interesting. Feels like it would have a pretty high skill ceiling but could function well while learning.
  18. Inacht

    Inacht People Like Me


    I personally leveled up as a single box beastlord in the Pre MGB era. I had a real life friend i was able to play with who trio'd which was hugely helpful especially since I did not have access to the powerful buffs now typically offered in PoK. Without someone who is leveling alongside you it might be a bit of a grind as a single box but a druid would certainly be a good choice. You can port into POK for the juicy buffs and port out to zap some spiders. If you are ok with powerleveling you might be able to hop along with someone who is leveling their alt up which will make things fly by.

    After my bst reached 60, I started a trio shaman/druid/bard and brought them to 60 as well. From there, my trio has been bst/dru/brd which provides all the utility I need and decent DPS. Boxing choices are tricky because so much comes down to personal preference - what do you like to play, what tools do you want in your kit, how much effort do you want to put into each box, etc.

    If you decide to play single or duo box there's no harm in that at all, you'll be desirable to group with for the xp bonus and plenty of folks play just 1 or 2 boxes during raids as well.
    sicnus and Mokli like this.