Mage AA: Frenzied Burnout - Issue

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheBluFunk, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. TheBluFunk

    TheBluFunk Member

    So I saved up my precious AA'S and acquired Frenzied Burnout. Back in the old days, I remember how fun and awesome it was to see and read my pet flurrying and rampaging etc....

    Shortly after I spent my precious 6 AA's I soon noticed that it never ever flurried or rampaged for starters. In fact, I was unable to notice ANY beneficial improvements with the AA activated. Kill identical mobs in same amount of time. No noticeable power output improvements etc.....

    Now I've read on these forums that there appears to possibly exist a problem with the interaction between the Frenzied Burnout AA and the Mage spell Ancient Burnout Blaze. BUT I don't own any Ancient spells so that shouldn't impact me......

    I have a feeling that the Frenzied Burnout AA is broken outright right now regardless of which Burnout Spell is currently applied to your pet when you use the AA.....

    Could I please get the feedback and comments from one of the Devs on this matter??
    Just cuz if the AA IS in fact currently broken OR operating in any matter other than expected or advertised, shouldn't I be able to get my 6 AA'S back so that I can allocate them to one or many AA effects that actually work???
    I really want to own and use Frenzied Burnout but only if it works right now and as expected and intended. No flurry or rampage etc.... Not worth my 6 AA's. So if that's the case, I would love to reuse my AA's or be told to sit tight for a few weeks while this gets fixed... If it's a long term/nowhere near in sight length of time for this fix, then I'm wasting My AA'S on a broken effect.

    Thanks for any insight on the matter!
    Elrontaur and Mascha like this.
  2. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

  3. TheBluFunk

    TheBluFunk Member

    Never ever played on Live in 2017. Stopped playing EQ on Live a very very long time ago.
    Back when I was playing on Live when Luclin came out then Pop, I had this AA and 100% guarantee for Sure my pet would flurry as I recall see the RED text messaging about my pet flurrying while xping in ME for example. It it was NOT 2017 when that was happening, it was when my kids were just born, and my oldest is 15. So I get what your saying about what it currently does and does not.... It's NOT at all what was expected from purchasing that AA, nor what it did on Live MANY years ago. Never played in AK on Live played solely on Innoruk server.

    Had I known ahead of time, I would have invested my 6 AA'S elsewhere.

    Oh well it unfortunate to know that nothing is overly wrong with the AA other than the Haste stacking's seems
  4. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    The method a pet would rampage or flurry (or any PC for that matter) might have been handled differently back then. Would need someone with logs proving or disproving it. I can't recall as I never played a real pet class back then.
  5. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2019
  6. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    I believe Frenzied Burnout did cause pets to flurry and rampage on AK.

    [Thu May 30 22:40:36 2013] Gararer executes a FLURRY of attacks on An Elemental Masterpiece!
    [Thu May 30 22:40:36 2013] An Elemental Masterpiece hits Karili for 1403 points of damage.
    [Thu May 30 22:40:37 2013] Deathro`s warder begins to cast a spell.
    [Thu May 30 22:40:38 2013] Gararer goes on a RAMPAGE!
    Mokli likes this.
  7. TheBluFunk

    TheBluFunk Member

    Mok: Nope it was before that for sure. And there werent any additional AA'S spent beyond the only 1st original Frenzied Burnout AA. In fact I quit Live just after LODN and all that instancing stuff began. There weren't any Xtra Frenzied Burnout AA'S then.

    Anyhow. As it stands, I honestly can't even notice any benefits to the the FB AA when it's triggered. I use Burnout 4 which I busted my chops to acquire so it would be silly for me to even consider a scenario where I don't use bo4. I guess I'll have to figure out how the whole "use the logs" thing works, to see if any increase in DPS takes place, which I doubt.

    So what should be my actual expectation when it comes to Frenzied Burnout and it's use? Shouldn't my pet become better than I just just was, for a short duration, allowing it to dispatch whatever mob it's usually facing in a swifter amount of time. Thus making it noticeable? And I say this flurry or not. But for darn tootin' sure my brain recalls reading red gorgeous text saying that "Xobaber" was flurrying! That wasn't a shroom trip and I quit playing just as instancing began. I remember LODN and was it lizard mounts maybe? Or was that a mushroom trip? Anyhooo... You catch my drift. If what I'm being told is that yeah what you se exactly right now with the AA Frenzied Burnout is what you get.... Then I would love to not have purchased it! LOL
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2019
  8. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I am sorry frenzied burnout is not working correctly. The lack of information you posted, will aid us in fixing it faster. Thank you.

    We dont have the ability to refund AAs. But I am granting you a coupon for the next 3 months of your subscription for free.

    Coupon: 3833-4566-3222-1894

    Thanks for being so friendly and understanding in this matter.

    Merry Christmas
    Mechaike, Busta, lurari and 6 others like this.
  9. TheBluFunk

    TheBluFunk Member

    LOL yikes. The purpose of my post was not to complain or something. Or try to get free subscription months LOL. The lack of information I posted is due to the fact that i have no information to provide other than what I posted initially. Apologies if I'm not well versed in reading or using logs etc... I Wish I had gotten into the habit of doing that but alas I did not.
    I was merely using the forums to find out what was up with the AA as it felt like it wasn't working as I remembered it a few decades ago, last I spent those 6AA's to do so.

    And obviously I worked hard to get those 6 AA's so yes it would be unfortunate to get the sense of flushing them away.
    The first response I read is "working as intended..." Which can be I'll received when I clearly recall the AA working with a flurry. Granted it was almost 2 decades ago...but still.
    Please don't perceive my post as anything other than me wanting to figure this out. I want to be able to either find a way to fix it or an alternative if it cannot be fixed. But I'm no coding genie so my contributions to this exercise are limited to "I remember when".
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2019
  10. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I started reworking my spell parser for takp earlier. So I can look at spell effects better. Looking at spell effects is kind of a nightmare.

    Hopefully can make some progress soon.
  11. TheBluFunk

    TheBluFunk Member

    Roger that Eagle one!
    I appreciate any and all insight! ;)
    Sketchy likes this.
  12. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Yeah, pets doing flurries and ramps are in AK logs. Add this to the bugged/unfinished AAs list.
    Devour_Souls likes this.
  13. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    It looks like aa is tied to spell effect. But this was before flurry and rampage were in the spell effects. So i will see if can add them to the db table for the AA. Have to play with it later.
    Mechaike and Devour_Souls like this.
  14. Cerberus

    Cerberus Active Member

    Where's my coupon pfff bah humbug to you from the bottom of my heart hehe from
    Barrakas nogginbasher
    ps just joking with you warmest regards to you and your's this holiday season
  15. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I got frenzied burnout rampaging and flurrying. Let me clean it up. Will try to have ready for patch. Still wont work with ancient burnout.
    Mechaike, Ravenwing, Slayzz and 5 others like this.
  16. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Its a Christmas miracle.

    Thanks Haynar.
    Mechaike and Slayzz like this.
  17. TheBluFunk

    TheBluFunk Member

    Fantastic news Haynar! Thanks very much! You guys rock.
    I can live with it not working with Ancient Burnout since I'll prolly never get that spell! LOL
    Thanks for working on this!
    Greatly appreciated!
    Happy Holidays!
  18. Shawn

    Shawn People Like Me

    But I have ancient!! ...guess I can drop it down a notch lol
  19. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    How does pet rampage work? Does it hit mezzed mobs? Never played a pet class with this ability.
  20. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    Give it an earthshaker
    Mokli likes this.
  21. TheBluFunk

    TheBluFunk Member

    So tonight I tried using the AA Frenzied Burnout, just in case the fix had gone through. Great news !!! I noticed frequent RAMPAGE and FLURRY messages during my battle in which I invoked the AA. This looks like awesome news! Now I havent measured any dmg data at all so I have no clue if there are any improvements to DPS but one would assume that for a short time there should be right!

    ****Anyhow, the only difference I noticed immediately was the fact that the messaging was not in red as flurry and rampages are usually seen to be. Instead, they appeared in the white text. Pretty sure i recall reading it in red back in the day. Also, the default color for NPC - Rampage and NPC - Flurry are red in the options area.
    Is there an easy way to switch the text color to red? Based on my immaculate "back in the dayz" memory, I remember being mesmerized at seeing my own pet generating these red flurry texts for all around to read in awe! :)

    Thanks again for all of the awesome behind the scenes work you folks do ! :)