
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    Code: https://github.com/EQMacEmu/Server/pull/531
    * Players in the area of a merchant will no longer receive a delete packet when an item is sold, unless they are currently using the same merchant.
    * Lockpicks with a skillmod will now work properly.
    * Changed a couple more messages to use a color enum.
    Bash and Kick stuns and interrupts have undergone the following changes:
    * NPC warrior kick will now stun starting at level 55 like warrior PCs.
    * Bash/kick stun will now always stun for 2 seconds.
    * Bash/kick stun chance is now precise. (or near it) At least for NPCs.
    * Bash/kicks that fail the stun roll will now still have a chance to interrupt casts.
    * Bash/kick stuns and interrupts will now hit runed targets.
    * NPC Bash/Kick chance changed to 66% and 33% respectively.
    * Stun avoidance message added to Stalwart Endurance AA.
    * Reduced the interrupt chance on NPCs level 51+ and NPCs above the level of players who bash. 50 and under NPCs will always be interrupted. NPC bash chance set to 90% on targets above the level of the NPC.

    Changes have been made to the Taunt skill based on parsed logs and Sony developer comments found in this thread:
    * Taunt no longer has a greater than 50% success rate.
    * Level 60+ players will no longer be able to taunt NPCs 6 or more levels above them, and the chance to taunt NPCs above their level will decline by 10% per level above the player. (targets +5 levels will do 10% instead of 0%)
    * The taunt success chance is now based on absolute taunt skill vs the target's level instead of how close the skill is to the player's skill cap. This makes taunt a bit less effective on NPCs near your level once your taunt skill stops going up with level, however a bonus to taunt chance is granted for level difference above the target. A negative bonus is applied to targets above the player.
    * The minimum taunt chance for level 1-59 characters has been reduced to 10%.
    * Taunt will no longer add any hate at all (it was adding a very small amount) if you are already at the top of the hate list.
    * Summoned pets may no longer taunt NPCs level 50 or higher.
    * Pet taunts are now 6 seconds apart instead of 5.
    * Pet taunts are now no longer guaranteed to fire when the timer is up. Enchanter and shaman pets have a lower chance to taunt than other pet classes.
    * Charmed pets no longer taunt.
    Feign Death changes:
    * Roaming/patrolling NPCs will no longer forget feigned players before the two minute timer if the initial feign failed to make them forget.
    * Non-roaming NPCs will now have a 5% chance to not forget feigned players when returning to their spawn points.
    * The chance for NPCs to instantly forget players who feign is now 35%, down from 40%. (the 35% number was mentioned in Sony patch notes)
    Lull changes:
    * Casters of Lull and Harmony spells no longer receive worn off messages.
    * The chance to aggro from a lull resist no longer factors in target's magic resist. The chance to aggro is now 75% - (Charisma / 5) capped at 250 Cha.
    * Lull spells now have a small chance to fade early. This chance is 2% per tick on white cons, and declines down to zero on targets -5 levels below the caster. Higher cons have an increased chance. These calculations are subject to change as more data becomes available.
    * Harmony and Wake of Tranquility will now require LoS to the target to cast. Single target lulls remain castable without LoS.

    * NPC spell casts will now use the correct spell cast times.
    * A player's heading will no longer change when summoned by an NPC.
    * Charmed NPCs will now regenerate health out of combat at the in-combat rate.
    * Procs and item clicked spells will now cap at 400 hate on targets immune to the spell.
    * The damage component of procs is now added after the 400 capped hate. This means procs like Anarchy will do more than 400.
    * Teleport spells will no longer work on NPCs.
    * Spellcasting NPC roamers/patrollers not in a roambox will now gate at low health. Beware.
    * NPCs will now ignore charmed pets when the number of entities on their hate lists reaches 9 or more. Entities includes players and pets.
    * Rangers no longer triple attack at level 60. (was given to them in 2005)
    * NPC innate procs will no longer proc off hits that are fully absorbed by rune buffs.
    * NPC innate procs will now proc on ripostes.
    * The line-of-sight check for targeted AoE spells now checks sight from the caster to the mobs nearby the targeted mob, instead of from the targeted mob to his neighbors.
    * Monks no longer dodge from behind. This was a Dec 2003 addition.
    * Spinstuns will now stun for the correct duration.
    * NPCs will now cast dispels less often.

    * skyfire: Drakes and Wyverns are now immune to stuns and mezes.
    * skyfire: guardian wurm spawn chance reduced.
    * skyfire: Zordakalicus Ragefire given the correct fear AoE.
    * airplane: Boss NPCs given some extra AC/atk/accuracy. Triple attack granted to those that were missing it.
    * airplane: Shimmering pearl placed on the Eye of Veeshan's loot table. Drop chances normalized.
    * The Kunark shaman strength and dexterity buffs will no longer stack with Harnessing of Spirit, Focus of Spirit, or Khura's Focusing.
    * Ourdoor Kunark dragon atk reduced and flee threshold set to 15%.
    * Talendor will no longer roam the southwest of the zone. He chooses to only wanders near VP.
    * add missing recipe for Dark Green Small Fine Breastplate and Dark Green Large Fine Breastplate
    * enabled Ceramic bands recipe
    * increase spawn chance for Iksar Bandit Lord in WW.
    * added missing faction to mobs for plane of sky isle 7.
    * Caster should now be able to bind in Karnor's Castle.
    * Skills for taunts had been adjusted for Melee classes as well as offense.

    * Added a z-axis proximity check for Vox when banished.
    * When level 53+ players aggroes Naggy or Vox, it will check to see if the players is bind in his lair, if so it will set the bindpoint to the banish location.
    * add a stoptimer for trigger Keeper of Soul to prevent from respawning again.
    * fixed Spiroc event so each vanquisher is tied to only 2 lower level spirocs when killed.
    * adjust the timer for how long Keeper of Soul will stay up and when it spawns.
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