Proc rate question...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Yinn Yang, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. Yinn Yang

    Yinn Yang People Like Me

    Was lucky enough to obtain a Master Wu's Trance Stick the other day and I was about level 32. From memory (and some research I have done), it should proc at level 35, which I hit last night. I have only fought three or four blue con goblins after that, but at no point did it proc during those fights. It could just be bad RNG luck, but I'm curious if anyone else has used these and seen the proc.

    I'll test it more tonight and get a better idea (didn't have more time last night), but it sure seems it used to proc on average at least once per fight... I seem to recall this weapon was a proc-machine back in the day.

    Anyone else have any experience with this, or input?
  2. Yinn Yang

    Yinn Yang People Like Me

    Think I may have answered my own question, but my memory must be worse than I thought.

    If higher delay weapons (Earthshaker is a great example) proc more, and the Wu's Trance Stick is pretty low delay (18), then I suppose the proc rate there would be pretty low. I'd guess it might be normal that I wouldn't get a single proc within 4 fights, but I sure seem to recall those things proc'ing quite a bit back in the day... maybe I was dual wielding them?

    Still would like some opinions... was it just bad RNG luck? Or am I mis-remembering?
  3. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    What's your dex? I've been getting good proc rates on ranger weapons.
  4. Zeklen

    Zeklen Member

    I remember back in the Kunark days that my warrior with less than 100 dext. really didn't proc his weapons much at all. I remember being so disappointed to where I didn't see the point of even equipping a proc weapon. I think it will just be disappointing for a while until you can get that stat up.
  5. Yinn Yang

    Yinn Yang People Like Me

    Dex probably only at about 110 at the moment... I considered that, but figured 110 should be enough for at least an occasional proc. My other thought was that maybe all the data online about it proc'ing at 35 is wrong? Maybe it's a bit higher? Although, you'd think I'd see those "Too low to command this weapon" (or whatever it says) message.
  6. Zeklen

    Zeklen Member

    Hehe, I wish I could offer some hard numbers rather than trying to go from remembering my game experience from many years ago, hopefully someone else can jump in with some better advice. I would give it a half hour, if you don't see any procs there might be a problem. We have had some issues with skill ups lately, possible there might be proc rate issues too?

    Allakhazam confirms procs at lvl 35, and you would get the message if you were too low.
  7. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    My unbuffed dex is under 100 and I still get a good amount.
  8. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    In your primary hand, the trance stick should proc about once a minute in continuous combat at 105 dex, scaling up to twice a minute at 305 dex in a roughly linear fashion. In your offhand, the proc rate depends on your dual wield skill, but should be significantly lower than your primary hand.
  9. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Proc rates currently scale from 0.25 PPM at 0 dexterity to 2 PPM at 255 dexterity (no increases after 255) for the mainhand, regardless of weapon delay. Chance is divided by 1.6 for the offhand. The 1.6 is due to parses showing 1 PPM offhand with max dual wield, and since dual wield doesn't always succeed, I divided by 1.6 instead of 2.

    The old code was granting everybody 2 PPM or higher.
    Ravenwing likes this.
  10. Yinn Yang

    Yinn Yang People Like Me

    Finally got a proc... all is well :)

    Disregard my previous doubts ;)
    Ransom likes this.