Where do people go to make plat here?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Balem, Apr 2, 2022.

  1. Balem

    Balem New Member

    I tried out the Nybright sisters in Lesser Faydark, but it seems like they were nerfed on the Bronze Drops. I only got 1 Bronze Spear after 30 kills. This got me a little worried. Where do people go to make plat here? Are all the plat camps nerfed on TAKP?
    I know that in this thread, Hello Takp | The Al'Kabor Project - PoP era Everquest (takproject.net), they mention farming silks and crafting certain tradeskill items to sell to players, but what if you don't want to sell stuff to players to make plat? Are all the Vendor trash plat camps Nerfed as well?
    Also, I worry that this could lead to market saturation, where if a lot people are selling the same thing in the Bazaar then very few make any money on it. It also leads to the question if everyone is making money off of other players, where is the original money coming from? All the money in the game has to come from an NPC at some point. You get money through an NPC from a quest, an npc drops money directly through loot, or through selling Trash items to a NPC Vendor.
    The only other way I can think of how money gets into the system is from super rich players, but I don't see how that could be a significant or sustainable source of money due to Turnover, Market Saturation, and competition.
    My Trio is only level 12 at this point, but I worry that if Invest further into the game and get to higher level. I may be disappointed with a lack of good trash plat camps to frequent.
    CTroi likes this.
  2. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    hill giants and ice giants are great for plat during vanilla here. bugs in sebilis are good. plane of hate is good. seafuries here aren't very good.

    If you raise baking, you can farm tae ew meats from CT and turn them into candied tae ew, then vendor those. They are a lot of work to farm, but with decent baking skill they generate a fair amount of plat. You can also get flawless tae ew hides while you do that, and probably sell tae ew hide sacks for 15k+ i'd imagine.

    There's a named in the deep that drops platinum, I forget the amount but it's decent iirc.

    You can farm horses in ssra from commanders and turn them into the horse merchant and make a good chunk of plat.

    Once you're in PoP there are decent trash drops to vendor, they aren't as valuable as old world gems generally, but when you're exping they are a nice bonus.

    I'm really not an expert though, I have 1.5k plat to my name currently.
    Slayzz and Quellious like this.
  3. S9Forever

    S9Forever Member

    I did treants in South Karana with my first character to xp plus plat. Vender in zone with the centaurs. At really low levels, rat tails sell for 1pp each, good for getting your new spell money.
  4. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    Level from 40ish to 50ish on rockhoppers in Dawnshroud Peaks, sell the hides to high-end tailors for 200-300p each. Easy way to make 10k+ while you level. That market will never saturate.
  5. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    The guards in high keep all drop fine steel weapons.

    Otters in cobalt scar drop armor and gems that vendor well, along with high end tailoring materials.

    if you get to the point that you can pbae stuff there are a few decent plat farms
    Oiwon likes this.
  6. WasNdor

    WasNdor Member

    My favorite early camp in this era is in Shadeweaver's Thicket (Shar Val stone in PoK). Go north near the entrance to the tunnels to PC. Kill every "a lesser shade" (level 5ish mob) you see near the tunnel entrance
    . Sell the silk and the swirling shadows in the bazaar. Silk 5-15p each and swirling shadows 40p give or take each. You can make around 1k per hour there at level 8. That was one of the first things I did when I came to this server. Made about 5k there and got some nice starter gear for my toons before I leveled them. Sure makes things easier while playing those early levels and unable to find groups.
    Break likes this.
  7. Maelin

    Maelin Member

    I made over 50k plat leveling my original trio with this route: crag spiders in EK in 20s (sell swatch in bazaar), HG from 34-49 and seafuries until they went green (53?). It isn't very fast because these zones have minimal zem but its a good way to get cash to gear up if you're new here.

    Above it was said seafuries aren't that good here but that doesn't align with my experience. Just make sure you are strong enough to kill Quag and corrupted seafuries otherwise the camp would be a headache.
  8. Sverder

    Sverder Well-Known Member

    Acrylia Caverns and Geonids in Wakening Lands are also good places in addition to everything already mentioned.

    Also guards in Felwithe were quite nice for a soloing necro in the early 50's.
  9. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    There's a huge cave in Shadeweavers with 100+ Shak Dratha mobs that are level 15-20ish. Kill the other aliens in the evening, then kill the Shak Dratha respawns all night. They commonly drop Chunks of Condensed Shadow, which are used in high-end fletching and sell quickly for 50p each.

    Edit: the network of caves is at and around #6 on the EQAtlas map.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2022
  10. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    90% of the money I've made on the server in 7 years came from a single spell sale to my guildmate.

    I dunno where he got all the plat but if you can get your hands on Command of Druzzil that's not a bad play.
    Ripwind, Oiwon, Kabouter and 2 others like this.
  11. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    ^^ just make sure it's the first week of PoP launch when you make the sale :p
    Lenas likes this.
  12. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I can confirm this is a cool way to earn platinum first week of PoP.
    Lenas likes this.
  13. kai4785

    kai4785 People Like Me

    I think at level 12, your best plat farming is to level up, and only spend money on gear for your tank. Pour the rest of everything into spells for your casters, and even then, now's not the time to fill ever nook and cranny!
    This server is soooo top heavy that "earning plat" to most of us is measured in the thousands-per-hour. I played for a solid year before I had more than 100pp in the bank. It seems like the time investment split between leveling up and gathering plat should skew very heavily towards leveling up until you're in your 30s at least.

    The more you're online, the more likely you'll catch some MGBs, or some free gear give aways. And those will make leveling up all the more faster.
    CTroi likes this.
  14. 98bcobra

    98bcobra Member

    In EQ levels = Plat. Wouldn't worry to much about it at lower levels. Buy just the needed spells and some tank gear thats it.

    Once you can do Hill Giants level there and make some plat if you want to.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2022
  15. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    hunt in highkeep from 20ish to 30ish, farming fine steel, should get you 5-10k plat ish
    then once you get level 30 you can hunt hill giants until 45, should net you about 20-30k plat, with which you can easily buy some very nice baz gear for 2-3 chars

    then from mid 40s you can go hunt bugs in sebilis and get more exp and sellable gems until you get to mid 50s, then you farm whatever you want
    Oiwon likes this.
  16. Oiwon

    Oiwon People Like Me

    Level 12 money problems yo!

    Level up dawg! If you're still broke at lvl 30 hmu and i'll tell my secrets..
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2022
  17. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    Find a basic material that people doing tradeskills want, especially if you can process it a bit further to save them clicks. Level up in the tradeskill for the component you want to produce enough to have a good production rate. Spend hours and hours and hours standing and clicking. Post in bazaar, profit.
  18. Ssraforum

    Ssraforum New Member

    You want trade drops on this server - this box is much more classic than other servers in terms of rare spawns and spawns popping with goodies (especially the rare goodies).
  19. Azzno

    Azzno Member

    Gargoyles in OOT then switch to the erollsi sisters and get long swords. should be decent plat while leveling. Honestly though the best is just getting the tradeskill items that people need. The market is never saturated that I have seen. Hill Giants/ Ice giants drop 40p pretty commonly and that is where most get plat as first toons. Grobb guards 40-52 isnt bad for plat either. Once you can kill Mavuin tunnel in justice the enforcers and punishers drop some items that vendor for 70-100p as well as diamonds.
  20. Auyster

    Auyster People Like Me

    I sold my body.
    CTroi and Ripwind like this.
  21. John Stark

    John Stark People Like Me

    OP was asking about platinum, not copper!
    RichardCox, Braven and Saenayil like this.
  22. Balem

    Balem New Member

    Thank you everyone for the Advice! I will try out some of these methods to make some plat when I have leveled up a bit.
  23. NaanBread

    NaanBread New Member

    Some wise person, who's name I forgot (sorry person), told me to make celestial essence which was a tedious crafting item that high level folks would buy in bulk. Combine doesn't fail, all reagents are available in PoK, would make as much as I could with plat i had then put on my trader, rinse and repeat.

    I hadn't even been playing for a week and I think I made something like 10k plat, which all went to gear up my shaman and necro. This was before PoP came out and I don't believe this is really effective anymore but I could be wrong. I just started playing again yesterday after 1.5 years-ish and they seem to be super cheap on the bazaar now.
    HoboBobJim likes this.
  24. necra

    necra People Like Me

    Sell geerlok hammers for 1cp lower than thr competition in the bazaar