Requesting help with Shaman epic Fight (Rak'ashiir)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sypherion, Jan 23, 2021.

  1. Sypherion

    Sypherion New Member

    Seeking help to find a group to help kill Rak'ashiir to finish my shaman epic quest. Max faction achieved, Childs tear in hand, all that's left is to down this mob and to turn in the scales!
    Shamans name: Basvidio, boxing with my Paladin Alt: Sypherion
  2. DubRemix88

    DubRemix88 People Like Me

    Id be down to help, 60bst/60dru/57pal. Do you have an elevator key?

    Dunno about this server but on Agnarr you could definitely lev up to Neh'Ashiir tower ,long as you had the captains key, and pull him through the door to fight on the bridge (duo'd him just a 54dru with a 63mage friend doing most of the work). Rak might take a few more bodies to kill (my pal can spam mana drains but some CC and group healing would probably make the fight a hell of a lot easier, ive never tried tanking him before)
  3. Sypherion

    Sypherion New Member

    Shoot, no I don't have the captains key. I know that sometimes people will spawn him and if you're lucky he ends up in a pretty accessible location/potentially just able to lev over to the tower, or they utilize a rogue to get you to where you need to be. Granted since I have never done this part of the quest before, all my information has been from reading online, but I might seek out a bit more advice from someone who's done it to make sure I have everything necessary to finish this.

    I do appreciate the offer for the help though! this will be my first ever epic if I can complete it, pretty exciting times.
  4. DubRemix88

    DubRemix88 People Like Me

  5. Sypherion

    Sypherion New Member

  6. RotatoR

    RotatoR New Member

    I've got a crew of up to 9, one of which is a rogue with 200 lockpick (only level 40 though so not much help otherwise) to get us in. Only issue is I'm trying to get the tear for my shaman epic as as well before making this push. How were you able to acquire the tear? If I can figure out a way to get it for my toon then we could likely work together to push to Rak. Not sure wha this respawn time would be but we'd have to kill him twice.
  7. Sypherion

    Sypherion New Member

    I'll send a few links and just type this up from how I obtained it, but definitely don't mean to presume you don't know this already, just figure that it might be easier in case there's something I miss.

    The tear drops off of an Iksar Broodling in Plane of Fear where you have to fight either Dread, Fright, or Terror which are big mobs in the zone. Once they die I believe they have a % chance of spawning like 2-3 little baby mobs, one being the iksar broodling. Basically, just kill that mob, and loot the tear!

    The way I got it was kind of luck, as I asked a shaman about some stuff regarding the server and mentioned I was working on the Q to which he told me to swing into fear and grab the tear since nobody in the group needed it.
  8. RotatoR

    RotatoR New Member

    Presume away! I don't know anything about this zone other than a few random websites I found, which wanted me to bring 20+ people. We've got a 52 wiz, 53 pal, 53 necro, 54 war, 55 sha, 55 cle, 55 ench, 55 sk, and 56 dru. Gear is poor to mediocre. I feel like that should be enough to kill in plane of fear but I'm worried about wiping upon entry. At which point CR would involve begging the server for assistance, which I would like to avoid. If we manage to sneak our way in and I can snag the tear then we'll be organizing a hunt for Rak next, which in my mind will actually be easier. If that happens and you havent got to him yet I'll let you know and we can kill him twice.
  9. Sypherion

    Sypherion New Member

    Yeah I definitely cannot comment on the fight itself, however I am sure there are a few tidbits on the good ol internet that would give a solid insight into plane of Fear. I'm not well versed in that zone so unfortunately I can't be too much of assistance :(
  10. DuckDo

    DuckDo Member

    I can help out if our play times overlap (I'm on Syndey time so it can be difficult). If you see Garalen online send me a tell. I have a 60 rogue that can get us up the elevator. Not sure how to single pull the trio of black reavers up there though. When I did it for my shaman it was kind of disaster. And once Rak'Ashiir did spawn, he assisted the other mobs. Wiping us before we could clean up the other reavers. I highly recommend pulling down the elevator. Very tight up top, and we had a few toons slip back down the lift causing some issues. It also means if you pop Rak and he wipes you. He will at least be much easier to access after rezzes and such.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
    DubRemix88 likes this.