Single box server - opinions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by solar, Jul 25, 2023.

  1. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    lol, nice! sounds like a fun place
  2. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Yeah, I've heard good things about that server but missed out. The population is pretty low I think at this point and may not be worth it.
  3. Foxboxx

    Foxboxx People Like Me

    One custom content change I would greatly welcome on any classic recreation server would be removing frontal stun immunity from ogres. Get some more variety in those 4 classes without the knowledge that every time you have a spell interrupted by a frontal stun, somewhere out there is an ogre laughing at you!
  4. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    Or give it to all warriors as a class feature to the same effect, getting some more interesting (and pretty) main tanks
    John Stark and Break like this.
  5. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    Not picking on Foxxboxx or Tuluvien specifically, but there's some really weird stuff you guys pick out as important, and everyone seems to pick different ones. You could put all these wishlist things in for a special server, but immediately after the ogre post someone suggested the opposite, so how would you make people happy when everyone wants conflicting stuff? Just read through this thread and you'll see a bunch of other examples already suggested, things that are at odds with each other. I think this is why AKurate is best, it's the one everyone likes, or at least doesn't dislike more. I guess you could just let people enable/disable those individual things with some option settings for their own character, but some people aren't happy with that, they don't want other people to have their favorite feature (mouse wheel, etc), so I don't know what can be done for those people short of giving them a server to play on alone (you can do this with the public source code now).
    Tuluvien likes this.
  6. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    we're getting close to this

    Radda, Harconis, RossGuy and 2 others like this.
  7. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    I agree! I have no interest in custom content, but this one caught my eye because ogres are just icky. In a game full of fashion quest I usually can't even bring myself to look at ogres or trolls, which are quite common. They gross.
  8. Xkallubar

    Xkallubar New Member

    Ogres are the most beautiful race and their frontal stun immunity shall not be touched.
  9. Foxboxx

    Foxboxx People Like Me

    Ogres should have a frontal stun vulnerability from constantly being distracted by how fashionable other races are!

    Though if someone were to make a custom server where every race had frontal stun immunity, I wouldn't be opposed =P.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2023
  10. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    [being completely facetious here:]

    What about a 100% AKurate server:
    Single game instance allowed per physical computer
    Perma/reverse-pac, faction wars, mental corruption bug, Broken focuses, etc
    3 years of broken flagging, broken alternate access keys, broken PoEarth, ragequit-difficulty Rathe
    Celebrities get Uber characters copied over without asking

    Completely kidding.
    It would be nice if time became more fully instanced as the server becomes incredibly top heavy, though, per guild or something.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2023
  11. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    TAKP's own Hardcore Heritage server. Add impossible Quarm and other things during the Anniversary, sounds fun!
  12. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    @Cads, you forgot Oakwynds for devs' RL acquaintances :p
    lurari, Smudge and Cadsuane like this.
  13. Mechaike

    Mechaike Well-Known Member

    If we're all in on convenient bugs, be sure to recreate the broken Aid Grimel air bow combine and being able to skip that step.:cool:
    Starsha likes this.
  14. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    I'd like a server where every toon has permanent 9s/symbol/WoG/focus/haste/VoQ, and they don't count towards the buff slot cap.

    And where clickies are just AA effects and are permanent (I think TLP does something like this?).

    And where AAs can be toggled on/off.
    Mokli likes this.
  15. Break

    Break People Like Me

    Not being able to toggle off certain permanent AAs was one of the biggest oversights in EQ.
  16. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    This is not the case anymore on live EQ - it was eventually adjusted so that the hate related AAs could be toggled, but it was added after AK era of course.
    Break likes this.
  17. playing4peace

    playing4peace Member

    One-box and One-box and One-more-box is Three-box-compromise

    First Box: Players start with 1-box (one game account connected, only).

    Second Box: Upon achieving level 10 on any toon (when XP loss becomes a real thing), they get a trader account (locked in bazaar, per usual). NOTE: In addition to tradering, solves the "item transfer" issues between the 1-boxed playable toons. (one playable and one trader, only)

    Third Box: Upon achieving max level and all AAs on any toon (no room for further XP advancement), they have earned the privilege of a 2nd playable box. Hereafter, this player (forum account) can have "3 boxes" online (2 playable, 1 trader).

    This is a 3-box compromise for the 1-box dreamers.
    Radda likes this.
  18. The Shade

    The Shade Active Member

    So basically everyone who wants to have a playable second box on that server will start out a halfling druid... o_O
    Radda and Neealana like this.
  19. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    A server full of halflings....sounds almost as bad as one full of gnomes.
    Kithani likes this.
  20. Aithne

    Aithne Member

    That new server will become a p99 hell hole pretty fast.
    Tuluvien likes this.
  21. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Not if you just hire 3 GM CSR staff to watch every "single box" player 24/7 on a rotating shift, as is custom
  22. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    We should hook up ChatGPT to all of the real-time game text and the banhammer. Prep it with "Make them play nicely". Meet your new overlord.
  23. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    GPT says:

    what kind of player behavior deserves a ban in everquest, if: people are supposed to play nicely?

    In EverQuest, like in any online multiplayer game, players are expected to adhere to certain rules and guidelines to promote a positive and respectful gaming environment. The specific rules and policies can vary depending on the game's terms of service and the platform it operates on, but some common behaviors that may warrant a ban or other disciplinary actions include:

    1. Harassment: Engaging in any form of harassment, such as offensive language, threats, or personal attacks against other players, is typically not tolerated.

    2. Cheating and Exploiting: Using third-party software or exploiting game mechanics to gain an unfair advantage over other players is against the rules.

    3. Scamming and Fraud: Attempting to scam or defraud other players, including but not limited to deception in trades or transactions, may lead to disciplinary action.

    4. Offensive Language and Behavior: Using hate speech, discriminatory language, or any other behavior that promotes intolerance can result in consequences.

    5. Real Money Trading (RMT): Trading in-game items or currency for real money outside the game's official channels is usually prohibited and can lead to penalties.

    6. Botting: Employing automated scripts or bots to perform in-game actions without active player involvement is typically not allowed.

    7. Griefing: Continuously and purposefully disrupting other players' experiences, such as intentionally causing wipes in groups or raids, can be considered unacceptable behavior.

    8. Account Sharing and Piloting: Allowing others to access or control your account, or playing on someone else's account, may violate the game's terms of service.
    It's essential to read and understand the specific rules and policies of the game you are playing to ensure you are not unknowingly engaging in behavior that could lead to a ban or other disciplinary action. Additionally, maintaining a positive and respectful attitude toward other players can go a long way in fostering a pleasant gaming community. If you encounter problematic behavior from other players, it's advisable to report it through the appropriate channels provided by the game's developer or publisher.
    Break and Hoodlum like this.
  24. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    Sounds like the bot is ready to GM a server! Game on.
    Radda, Secrets, Break and 1 other person like this.
  25. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Gonna be hard to bribe that GM with a blooming onion.
    Radda, Walex, Darchon and 1 other person like this.
  26. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    Instantly ban itself for using a 3rd party program to take game actions.

    somebody should make a server and populate it with chatgpt instances and let them interact and see what happens. I bet you could get it published.
    Radda, Break, Braven and 4 others like this.
  27. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    Thats an interesting idea. Not necessarily ChatGPT itself, although it probably could do it, but a related ML AI of similar capacity that wasn't so text based. You could (at least) partially train it on the massive log collections that people have. You'd have to have some glue between - if used with no client, it would need to snoop the packet traffic coming in and be able to insert traffic going out, or you would use a EQ client instance and set up screen scraping of the text and some kind of integration to allow the generation of mouse motion, keystrokes, and clicks. Then just give it an admin account and Bob's your uncle.

    Another interesting ML experiment would be to let it automate the MOBs. Since they are server-side, it would be a lot more work probably because there is no client allowing direction of mob actions, so you'd have to hack a control channel into the server code, and you'd probably need to integrate it locally. Give it training goals of staying alive and killing PCs. Train it for a year or so with actual players beating on it and I bet it would get interesting.
  28. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    If AI was allowed to learn and control mobs as intelligently as a player could, the game would become broken -- no raid bosses and no hard summoning mobs would be killable, because they would just head for the clerics and plow, ignoring the tanks till cleanup time.
    Hoodlum and Break like this.
  29. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    533 would have to impose aggro constraints on the model such that they had to obey and probably other constraints as well to get a playable situation. But yeah, it would probably be a much tougher ride.
  30. RossGuy

    RossGuy Well-Known Member

    Forget not being Mac compatible, this is the biggest problem with a "TAKP" single-box server...

    Attached Files:

    Walex likes this.