Why allow multi-boxing?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DuluTAKP, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. Liegezen

    Liegezen People Like Me

    The lowbie troll in the video doesn't even look like he has his starter weapon equiped either when he's killing that rat, what a newb!
  2. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    I have to agree with this. As much as I LOVE playing my trio, I regret voting for the 3-box limit when the server launched. In hind-sight I definitely would have voted for a 2-box limit.

    I think a vast majority of the server would have to vote for a 2-box limit change though, as so many people have invested so much time into their trios.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2018
    phresh2k3 and Videri-Tala like this.
  3. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    If it was a 2 box server. I never would have tried it. So I never would have come dev here.

    You would have a way different server without the 3 years of contributions from me.

    You can say it would have been better picking 2 boxing instead. But it would for sure not be the same server. I have made a few improvements, that you would not otherwise have.

    Many ppl like 3 boxing. Changing it is a non-starter for me. Even discussing changing it, makes server not appealing to new ppl. As it makes server basically unstable in way its being run. These decisions have to be made at the beginning.

    If you want bigger numbers, making changes like boxing numbers, will likely increase numbers. But you are going to have different people.
  4. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Troll? I used a female cleric with a club. I also had to press bind wound to kneel without the UI.
  5. Liegezen

    Liegezen People Like Me

    She had MAN HANDS!
  6. Bragon

    Bragon People Like Me

    On this client if i take a few steps back to observe a raid i dont see people swinging.

    I dunno where you are when you look at people being so bad at boxing in raids, but that might have something to do with it.

    Example: watching people from the ramp to the arena in kael while they kill somethimg in the corner shows zero swinging animation from anyone in the raid.
    Devour_Souls and Linkamus like this.
  7. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    That's fair. I really hope you don't misconstrue my post as me not being thankful and grateful for all the hard work you and other devs have put into this server (because I am!). And for the record, I really do love 3-boxing, despite my opinion on the matter ;) .
  8. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    It is an interesting thought.

    If not for takp, I likely would have tried to go back to dalaya and be a dev there. Which could have had a significant impact on where they currently are.
  9. Mascha

    Mascha People Like Me

    I like the 3 box limit. For me, it provides endless combinations of classes, and none are perfect for every situation. And I agree, many are horrible at boxing, but many are great. In my trios, my druid is always the main focus and all other work towards helping her. With two boxing, the combinations and synergy is much different. Anyway, it was decided long ago to limit it to three boxing and I think it will stay that way. You can single box or duo if you want, what is keeping you from it?
  10. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    No, that's not it. You're just all bad at boxing.
    Videri-Tala and lurari like this.
  11. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Thank you for your dev contributions, we love you Haynar.
    And thank you for a 3 box limit. I also wouldn't play if it was single box server, maybe 2box but it would suck.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2018
  12. Bragon

    Bragon People Like Me

  13. lurari

    lurari People Like Me

    He's not talking about you, specifically. To me, our last raid wipe was a large part due to "bad at boxing." I'm thankful Tem limits boxing on raids because I loathe seeing melee boxes (LOL root proc weapons).
  14. Bragon

    Bragon People Like Me

    Does ‘all’ have a different meaning where you live lulu?

    Insert jab at education system and gun derail.

  15. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Dunno, I once ran my Druid into the 4-way in ToV halfway through a Vulak ring.

    I like to think of myself as a fairly accomplished boxer. No one has killed so many characters, so quickly while boxing. That takes skill.
    Linkamus likes this.
  16. Zygote404

    Zygote404 Active Member

    The game is awesome. Rules are awesome. Community is awesome. Check RnF here and RnF elsewhere and the difference in toxicity is incredible. This server in terms of community is doing everything right IMO.

    Having played EvE and P1999 prior to here its like going from ghetto to Beverly Hills :)

    I 3 box but I'd prefer 1 boxing limit, that's not saying Id like it changed I dont , that would just be a preference if that makes sense. Don't change what's working already.
    Mascha likes this.
  17. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    I am bad at boxing so i prioritize. I am usually in heal chain with cleric, that gets priority always. If that means my ranger has to stand still or even die in the meantime so my heal is on time, so be it. I will never try to play more than one class to its full potential at the same time.

    I straight wouldn't box on raids if numbers of certain classes weren't an issue, I imagine many feel the same.
    Mascha likes this.
  18. Mascha

    Mascha People Like Me

    Bad at boxing is relative. I think reaching 90% capacity on your main, and 50% on box 1 and 2 is just fine. It all depends on setting up the camp, pulling, timed spacing and a good strategy anyway, boxers rarely react fine to chaotic situations. at least for longer camps.

    Thats for soloing, btw, or grouping. On Raids it is a totally different animal.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2018
  19. Mascha

    Mascha People Like Me

    On raids, noone boxes Main, box 1 and box 2 at 100% each, its not possible. Maybe when 1 boxes three clerics, he can stay in the chain, but as soon as the shit hits the fan, he will concentrate on 1 box and not be able to treat all clerics the same way. And thats the charm of boxing: Prioritize. I especially cannot grasp how someone can box a bard while playing other characters, it is insane.
  20. Mascha

    Mascha People Like Me

    I agree 100%.
  21. Mascha

    Mascha People Like Me

    I agree so much, I read the P99 boards daily and the amount of hate, boredom and toxidity is revolting. We have an amazing community here and we all better appreciate it, its due to the devs, the initiatrors of this awesome project and the community that maybe riper then it was on AK. I fully hope I will be able to play here until RL retirement and longer.
  22. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    Hmm I don't know. Not having to beg for Aego / VoG / C2 / GoB is pretty awesome :D .
  23. Bragon

    Bragon People Like Me

    Im with tuluvien. If numbers allowed. But they don't.

    Meanwhile i will keep on sucking my way to the rewarding pixels!
  24. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Don't take my comment too seriously. I'm not a heavy emoticon user. :);):D:p

    Watching multiple people in the same fight run characters up to dragons and forget to put on autoattack, then barely lose to it is pretty hilarious though
  25. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    lol. so true.
  26. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    @Darchon I still hold the title of 3 Boxing Stanos ;)
    showstring likes this.
  27. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I used to box raids really really good. It was 5 days a week, several hours a day raiding. I was really good at multiple diff tasks, no panic when things went bad. I kept calm in worst situations.

    I wipe now with an add, group alone. I panic. Forget to stand to heal, because I forget the hotkey was there that auto stands. I don't even keep calm enough when things go bad, to recognize its time to gate, run away and FD.

    Playing 40+ hrs a week, hardcore has no comparison to my current 5 hr a week porn party. Because I spend way more time running around naked.
    Neealana likes this.
  28. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    once this project is complete and the source code is released, i'm sure people will start single box and two box servers.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2018
    showstring likes this.
  29. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Best General in Kithicor and I will be impressed!

    Honestly I think breaking in HoT alone as a trio is the most impressive thing I've heard of to date on this server. Stanos is no slouch though, this is true.
    showstring likes this.
  30. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    I only single box on raids on the bst

    But I play at 1% because I'm that l33t