Haynar's new client mods.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Haynar, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. Burly

    Burly New Member

    Awesome. Does "soon" mean today or in the near future? It's just this forum isn't very active so I'm not in the habit of checking it regularly.
  2. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I was hoping for "soon" meaning a few days ago.

    I have little to no experience with client switchers.

    I box using 3 computers.
  3. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

  4. benoeb

    benoeb People Like Me

    Soon ©
  5. Burly

    Burly New Member

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
  6. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Secrets is distracted with other stuff.

    Give me a rundown of how you all like switchers to work?

  7. benoeb

    benoeb People Like Me

    Ideally I'd like to be able to name the windows and customize which keys are used to switch between the windows. If I had to pick one option though it would be customizing the keys to switch windows.
  8. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Like name windows ur char name? Or have hard options to name them?

    Was thinking of adding like a red text in middle of screen with char name, when a window goes active. Thoughts?
  9. Burly

    Burly New Member

    This patch already renames the windows to Client1, 2 and 3. You can rename the windows with HotKeyNet if you wish. The issue is getting hotkeys to actually switch between the windows. I haven't been able to figure out a way. It doesn't need to really do anything fancy other than switch to the client assigned to the key. Character names etc. aren't important but it wouldn't hurt.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
  10. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Not a PC player but I think this would get annoying if you have to switch back and forth a lot.
  11. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Ya. Probably. Might just be for me for testing
  12. surron

    surron People Like Me

    not sure why this isnt already working, i am not using haynar's patch.

    secret's client just names it client1, client2, client3, client4 then client after that (no reason to have more than 4)

    then hotkeynet script looks for a window named client1 etc...

    idk why it doesnt work for Burly (have you just tried secrets patch from the wiki?)
  13. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    You cannot use this with secrets dll from wiki.
  14. benoeb

    benoeb People Like Me

    Unfortunately we cant get hotkeynet to work with haynar's modified DLL for the client which is why we have to bug haynar for this :confused:
  15. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I will see if hotkeynet with secrets dll works. The secrets dll has a switcher built in. It should be easy to add.
  16. kicnlag

    kicnlag Active Member

    When I (briefly) tested hotkeynet with the linked dlls and eqw it worked fine for me. It appeared to work both windowed and "fullscreen" (alt-enter).
  17. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    It should. Will test that and put files needed for hotkeynet in folder.
  18. Burly

    Burly New Member

    Secrets' client has never worked for me. I don't know why. The initial client window (the one where you're supposed to hit accept/decline) is just all white.

    The HotKeyNet scripts work with the default client from the setup guide but not with Haynar's, and I have no idea why. It's actually a little weird because the script itself doesn't deal with anything other than the window's name, which this patch doesn't change. I'm not sure what causes it to break. Without Haynar's patch, the windows are still called Client1/2/3 and the scripts work with that, albeit a bit poorly because the default client is ass. I don't know a whole lot about programming but it's a mystery to me how the script doesn't work when the only thing it cares about is the name of the window which is the same either way.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
  19. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I added working hotkeynet files in the folder.

    They worked for me. Try them out.

  20. Burly

    Burly New Member

    Seems to work perfectly. Thanks a lot.
  21. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Good news. Never done autohotkeynet scripts. Seemed to work good. The instant switch of clients without even a blink of screen is pretty cool. Even in full screen was so dang fast switching. Alt-tab was never like this.
    surron likes this.
  22. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    New version up. The bypass for the License agreement, messed up stuff for logging into the dev server. So that is removed.

    I had a bypass I found for the splash screens, and it messed up /camp desktop. So that has been updated. Splash screens are set back to show, I just set timer to 0.
  23. Synthetix

    Synthetix Well-Known Member

    I tried Secret's client a few weeks ago and didnt like it (no offense Secrets!). I am currently using yours Haynar that I installed over 2 months ago, whats new in this one? I don't wanna use hotkeynet, I don't like that either.
  24. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    It basically lets you play full screen. Use alt-enter to go into full screen mode. Its really a boarderless window is all. Also I worked on trying to get fullscreen to work on different monitors too.

    Eqmule did some of hacks for playing pc client and i got the fps limiting code from him too. I modded it some.

    Secrets was doing more windowing options including borderless full screen. Secrets also did the work that prevents crashes if gamma changes on computer. Secrets full screen mode wouldn't always cover the taskbar, so I spent a lot of time trying to get that to work consistently. I had screen flickers when switching clients with Secrets version, so i didnt like that either. Secrets version you had to edit ini to change resolution. I move windows all the time doing dev work too, so wanted that to work better. Still working on that part.

    I combines those. Added switching in and out of full screen on the fly. Improved some of transitions switching screens. I nuked some if splash screens at startup too.

    Secrets approach was to use a newer eqmain.dll and get its windowed mode to work. The newer dll didnt work smooth for me. So I tried to get eqw.exe working better. I think with older eqmain.dll everything looks better and runs smoother.

    Autohotkeynet is really just a switcher. To switch between clients faster. Its default set to use keys on numpad to switch. I think keys 1,2,3 on numpad switch clients. No alt-tab. Many ppl box 3 clients on same pc.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  25. Volkmeer

    Volkmeer New Member

    I know you have a link to this from the first post, but is there a complete client with this download available like secret's wiki one?

  26. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    This has been a work in progress. I think it probably hit a stable point now. The goal was to have an all in one client.
  27. benoeb

    benoeb People Like Me

    This works great Haynar. Im able to keep my standard windowed mode with borders, use your eqgame.dll, and also use hotkeynet with numpad1/2/3. Awesome work.
  28. Volkmeer

    Volkmeer New Member

    I had an issue last night where I tried this and all of a sudden it went to a full screen and would never load the game. Before using secret's and the other hot key switcher, it was windowed and worked properly. Now those do not work. I am wondering if somehow there was a patch pull applied and any folder that was on the same drive got modified. SO now I got not a single client that works.... =(

  29. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    If you were using Secrets's client. You cannot drop this in there. They are not compatible.

    These are meant to be dropped on a fresh install. Not on top of Secrets changes.

    Secrets uses a different eqmain.dll, so I went and put the original (modified by eqmule) back in this folder. So if you were using Secrets modes, you can just remove the wsock32.dll, and drop these files in the folder.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  30. Volkmeer

    Volkmeer New Member

    Ok, so if I downloaded Sketchy's client from the wiki page and then inserted your zipped files into that, would that be a config that should be working?
