Couple of mechanics questions re: resists

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ravenwing, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    I have been wondering about a couple of things for a while now, and thought I'd ask here on the forums.

    1. Are summoned pets using their masters' resistances in place of their own ("special" pet resists, like fire pet fire immunity, aside)? That is to say, if I want my pet to resist root, should I cast the MR buff on the pet or on myself?

    2. Does root's per-tick chance to break incorporate magic resistance and level differences? Are we currently using whatever default formula for this came from EQEmu?
  2. Tollen

    Tollen Member

    1. cast resists on pet.

    2. dunno
  3. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Root does currently check MR on ticks, but there is also a roll to check for that check. (charm is the same way) Level difference modifies effective resist levels, but you won't notice it much unless the level disparity is wide.

    Charm and root are using inherited EQEmu code, but I made some logs of both charm and root after I fixed a bug in the algorithm and the durations seemed acceptable. Much of the EQEmu resist code was already correct because a Sony dev posted some resist code pseudocode for their resist algorithm a few years back.
  4. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    Thanks, Torven!

    Thanks, Tollen. To clarify, though, are you saying that pets don't "mimic" their masters' resists at all here on TAKP (a la this patch, quoted below:, or that the pet "mimics" the master's unbuffed resist stats, then applies its own buffs?

  5. Tollen

    Tollen Member

    afaik pets don't mimic master stats in any way.
  6. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Mage pets can't directly since each pet has different special resist/immunity

    Air- mr
    Fire- fr
    Water- cr
    Earth- dr/pr

    Aside from that they "should" mimic

    From the July 24th, 2002 patch message:
    - Pet Resistance Changes: Pets will now use their master's level and
    resistances when saving against spells cast by NPCs (against PCs pets
    will use their own resistances and level as they always have) - unless
    the pet has special resistances, in which case it will use that