Pacification - where did we end up on this?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by echofinder, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. echofinder

    echofinder Member

    I think this is a duplicate conversation but I could not find the thread.

    Where did we end up one Pacification Spell on Blues, Yellows, Reds etc.

    My sense on success rate based on general game play - no hard numbers is this

    Blue 90%
    Yellow - Rarely Ever
    Red - Never

    What is the firm mechanic in place on this?
  2. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Lulls have two resist checks: the first is a base 7.5% chance to resist regardless of target magic resist, but is modified by level difference. The second is an aggro check which checks against the target's magic resist and is modified by level difference and caster charisma. Most common NPCs have an MR of 25, so if you have max charisma, a typical buffless white con will aggro on pacify 0.2625% of the time (about 1 in 400 casts), and that tiny value quickly decreases to zero when the target is lower in level from the caster. At 75 charisma, the chance to aggro on a typical white would be about 1%. (7.5% * 12.5%) Yellows and reds have a modifier that greatly increases the resist and aggro chance.

    The lull code was inherited from EQEmu a believe. I did a few parses on Live 10 months ago and the results for the first resist check matched the code more or less from what I recall, at least for whites and blues. I only parsed logs with a level 25 caster however. The second aggro check is obviously very difficult to parse and I don't have time to try and figure that out on Live.

    Lull logic was changed over the years, and even had some changes on AK during AK's life. I don't like how good they are right now, but I don't have something to point to and say 'it should work like this.' This may be one of the few things that require community input. I may increase the aggro chance on spell resists. That probably shouldn't be modified by target level.
    Khorpus, Luddwig and Ravenwing like this.
  3. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    You've very likely already thought of this, but if not, and if someone does decide to play around with pacify on Live, a quick sanity check would be to see if magic-immune mobs, like the gate guards in newbie zones, (a) are susceptible to pacify (proving that the first check really is independent of MR), and (b) aggro 100% of the time when they resist pac (proving that MR is involved in the second check).
  4. Khorpus

    Khorpus Well-Known Member

    You guys hurt my brain, and I love it.
  5. sourdiesel

    sourdiesel Active Member

    anyone else notice that pacify lags right after you cast it? like its slightly delayed compared to the other spells in the same line
  6. surron

    surron People Like Me

    this does happen to me.

    ill cast paci and the timer will finish and then about 1 second later the graphic and spell text shows up
  7. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    Happens to me also, thought maybe I was just lagging but I'm glad to see it's not just me!
  8. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    That sounds almost like a mismatch between casting time in clients spells vs server's spells.
  9. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    Maybe miscommunication with a focus item? Giving a visual haste but not actual?