Can bard's mez song break enchnater's pet charm?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pivoo, Jul 26, 2022.

  1. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Maybe silly question, but gasping for straws.

    Enchanters (50) charmed pet is breaking very frequently, like within first minute or two if I'm lucky. Sometimes breaks twice before I'm ready to send him to battle. In videos I can see pets stay charmed 5-10-15 minutes, but in my case average time is probably around 1 minute, so I'm definitely doing something wrong and I would like to figure out, what kind of mistake I'm making.

    I'm trying to learn charming in KC because of proximity of ZL.
    Trio is ENC-BRD-CLR but since ENC is 50 and other two are 55, enchanter is not in a group. I'm basically playing enchanter solo, with bard mez song constantly on enchanters pet.

    I'm playing lvl 53 mez and MR reduce song: " Song of Twilight" I position bard in the middle between attacking mob&pet on one side and enchanter on the other side. Pet is close enough that it is always inside circle of influence of the song. Could this be a reason for constant charm breaks, since bard in not in a group with enchanter?

    Enchanter uses Mesmerize, Tashania and Allure spells for charming.
    I experimented and skipped mesmerize few times when pet is already mezzed by bard song, and I casted just Tashania and Allure. I didn't notice any difference.

    Enchanter is very under-geared. Could this be a reason? If so, what I should get ASAP so charms would last longer?


    And just so there is no misunderstanding, charm really breaks all the time. Usually more frequent than one killed mob per charm break. To clear first 8 mobs in KC it takes 8-10 charm breaks or so. Nothing like charming in the same place in this video, on this server:

    although player is lvl 55, but still, all mobs are blue to my enchanter. I would expect some pet to last 4-5-6 minutes. But it never happens. Somehow I think I'm contributing to charm breaks and I have no clue how.

    Any suggestions, and ideas for this wannabe enchanter? ;)
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2022
  2. Break

    Break People Like Me

    A detrimental bard song will not stick on a charmed mob until charm is broken. You should look into -mr items if you want to debuff past what tash can do.
    pivoo likes this.
  3. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    So, bard song is not causing charm breaks if I understand correctly?

    Then something else does it... To early, to low level, to broke to gift pets with expensive -mr items, just for pet to eat them ;) I'm just curious, is this normal, that at lvl 50 I can't get pet charmed longer than 2 minutes (and this doesn't happen that often) without those -mr items on pet? Is this normal? What experience had other enchanters at this level?
  4. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    On this server the duration of a charm are a factor of two things.
    • Level differential between you and the mob you are charming
    • Magic resistance of the mob you are charming.
    Allure can charm beyond your level at 50. So charming yellow cons is a sure fire way to have 20 second charms. As you note you’re sticking to blues. This is good but keeping it to the lower end mobs in the zone (40) rather than the higher end (50~) is a good idea. Generally the mobs at entrance should be low 40s.

    Second is MR debuffing. Make sure you have the best Tash for your level and use that. Negative MR gear can matter but honestly most regular mobs are low enough base MR that just a high level Tash drops them to effectively 0 MR. One thing to keep in mind is mobs can get buffs. Some of these buffs grant MR. The primary culprit is the shielding line all casters get which is another reason caster mobs make bad pets.

    Bard song has no influence on duration of charm. Automezzing works fine. The early bard mezzes all push though which is annoying.

    I charm killed Dru/Enc/Cler from 20-65 basically. Around 50s I did Sol B Efreeti and various camps in Sebilis using Allure. I had no issues with charm folding after only 1 min every time. There were of course RNG streaks but nothing regular that made me give up on charming. This was back in 2016-2017 though.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2022
    pivoo and Frosst like this.
  5. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    I'm charming Drolvarg Sentry (40-44) and Drolvarg Guardians (43-46).
    Good point though, thanks, will charm only Sentry from now on, this will guarantee 6-10 levels difference. I did charm plenty of these already. You would think, level difference would be enough with these, to have better sustainable charm.

    Is there any info about how much MR mobs have? I was looking at and and couldn't find this info. I know elementals in the hole have huge MR, couldn't successfully root them. These can be easy rooted so their MR should be less.

    OK, this is settled then, thanks, will not worry about it any more. Tell me about push lol, can't wait to get mez song without it.

    Ah, so this is normal then. I was sure I'm doing something wrong, since every video I watched, shows different experience than what I'm experiencing. Yeah, I'm not giving up on charming, just checking, if I'm doing something wrong and how to correct it. As long as zone line is close, I'm OK, but I can't see me playing in some kind of dungeon with this rate of breaks. All I would be doing is de-leveling :p
  6. layonhands

    layonhands Active Member

    It sticks if you are in an active duel. Great for charm zerg fight.

    I did 2 enchanters from 1-65 in about 1 month from scratch. Trash mobs in Karnor's felt like it had more base MR than alternatives like Ryklo Rikes in Dawnshroud peaks. Charm was holding longer with tash and as a red con to my chanter

    Path I took this summer:
    39-53 Ryklo Rikes
    53-61 Pestilence Rats PoDisease
    61-64 Gargoyles in PoNightmare.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2022
    pivoo and Break like this.
  7. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    I'm not sure I understand you. So more MR in Karnor would mean faster charm breaks, correct? That explains my 'struggles' then.

    I'm using highest tash, lvl44 Tashania. Are you saying you were charming red mobs? I'm struggling with blues that are on average 6-10 levels bellow my enchanter. This is depressing. I know I'm very bad & clumsy player, but this just shows how bad I am lol

    What was enchanter level you were in KC, if you happen to recall?

    Reading again, maybe you wrote, red Ryklo Rikes was easier, more reliable to charm then trash in KC? If so, then I feel better already he-he
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2022
  8. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    Here is Torven's write-up on how charm works on our server:

    MR varies by NPC, but best I remember, most trash mobs in old world exp zones were pretty low. I have no idea about drolvargs in KC, but it would surprise me if they had MR higher than 40 and it could well be as low as 25.
    John Stark and pivoo like this.
  9. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Complaining here DEFINITELY helps!
    Got pet lasting 15 minutes!!! and another one over 10 minutes.
    Thanks devs :p;)

    Probably also helps that I'm now only charming Drolvarg Sentry. Before i was charming mostly guards, thinking they are lower level.

    I'm timing charms now and I see those shorter ones often last 2-3-4-5 minutes as well. Without timing it feels mere few seconds, tops :)

    But seriously, today is completely different story, some pets just last longer. Good, & 'bout time! :D
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2022
    John Stark and giantfortt like this.
  10. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Thank you!

    Boy, this is some information overload! ;)
    I will have to read several times and then I will probably need a translation help he-he
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2022
    John Stark likes this.