Tabien the Goodly

Level: 32

Race/Body: Human / Humanoid

Class: Paladin

HP/Mana: 1344 / 1056

Dmg/Delay: 32-76 / 30

AC/ATK: 116 / 0


Special: MagicalAttack

Agro Radius: 60

Assist Radius: 0

When killed, this NPC can drop:

Average plat: 1.616

  • Table (0:1:100%) Drop (1:1:100%)
  • Runs once. Drops 1 entry each run.
  • Marr's Promise(100%)

  • Table (0:1:100%) Drop (1:1:100%)
  • Runs once. Drops 1 entry each run.
  • Fine Steel Long Sword(100%)

  • This NPC spawns in:

    This NPC casts the following spells:

    • HealingHealing (Mana: 60, Recast: 5s)
    • YaulpYaulp (Mana: 1, Recast: 315s)
    • RootRoot (Mana: 30, Recast: 20s)