Faction Search
50 factions displayed. More factions exist but you reached the query limit.
- Abhorrent (524)
- Agents of Dreadspire (1059)
- Agents of Mistmoore (426)
- Agents of the Pillars (1671)
- Agents of the Synarcana (1740)
- Aggressors of Kithicor (421)
- Agnarr (1621)
- Agnostic (396)
- Air Elemental (Race) (541)
- Air Mephit (622)
- Akheva (1521)
- Akheva (Race Type) (561)
- Akhevan (Plane of Shadow) (357)
- Ak`Anon Strike Force V (1190)
- Alligator (141)
- Allize Taeew (218)
- Allize Volew (217)
- amiable (5052)
- Amygdalan (149)
- Ancestors of the Crypt (1193)
- Ancestors of Valdeholm (1101)
- Anchorites of Brell Serilis (1598)
- Ancient Blackburrow Gnolls (1228)
- Animals of Taelosia (1004)
- Animated Armor (654)
- Ankhefenmut (417)
- Anti Vinitras (1572)
- Anti-mage (5002)
- Antonius Bayle (219)
- Apparitions of Fear (1803)
- apprehensive (5053)
- Arachnid - PoP (657)
- Arboreans of the Faydark (1622)
- Arcane Scientists (220)
- Arcanists of Alra (1793)
- Architects of Sand (1754)
- Argathian Looters (1777)
- Armadillo (137)
- Army of Light (1204)
- Ashen Order (361)
- Askr the Lost (1609)
- Assistants of the Scribe (1062)
- Aviak (63)
- BandWdragons (526)
- Banker (5003)
- Barbarian (52)
- Bard (8)
- Bastion of Thunder Portal (Race) (660)
- Battalion of Marr (1656)
- Bayle's Irregulars (1200)