Yaulp Yaulp
Classes: Cleric (1), Paladin (9)
When cast on you: You feel a surge of strength as you let forth a mighty yaulp.
When cast on other: Target lets loose a mighty yaulp.
When fading: Your surge of strength fades.
Mana Cost: 1
Spell Type: Beneficial
Skill: Abjuration
Cast Time: 0.5 seconds
Recovery Time: 2.25 seconds
Recast Time: 18 seconds
Pushback: 0.00
Target: Self only
Resist: None (Adjust: 0)
Cast Time Restriction: None
Duration: 24 sec (4 ticks)
Spell Effects:
  1. 3: Increase STR by 10
  2. 4: Stamina by 1
  3. 5: Increase AC by 20
Items with this "scroll" effect:
  1. Spell: Yaulp
Items with this "proc" effect:
  1. Hammer of Rage
Items with this "click" effect:
  1. Initiate Symbol of Rallos Zek