WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL
(Dragonwart) - id : 16530
Charges: 1
Slot: NONE
Item Type: Inventory (stackable)WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Used in:
- Potion Of Graveyard Dust (Alchemy)
Sold by:
- Northern Plains of Karana
- Romella (30p 1g 6s 7c)
- Kithicor Forest
- Elsbyth (30p 1g 6s 7c)
- East Commonlands
- Romya (30p 1g 6s 7c)
- Oasis of Marr
- Isslana (30p 1g 6s 7c)
- Rathe Mountains
- Viira Bali (30p 1g 6s 7c)
- Susanna (30p 1g 6s 7c)
- Chandra Kali (30p 1g 6s 7c)
- Lake Rathetear
- Dreana (30p 1g 6s 7c)
- Shadow Haven
- Horiel Gaeslania (30p 1g 6s 7c)
- Fitonas Galaofon (30p 1g 6s 7c)
- Sneathe (30p 1g 6s 7c)