Faction: Kelethin Merchants - id: 276
NPCs whom death raises the faction
NPCs whom death lowers the faction
- Butcherblock Mountains
- Deldryn Splendyr
- an elven slave
- an elven slave
- Hendricks
- Linadian
- Banker Willaen
- Regren
- Guard Crystalwind
- Guard Highmoon
- Guard Fayfear
- Guard Rainstrider
- Guard Fireblight
- Merchant Niwiny
- Bilrio Surecut
- Gallin Woodwind
- Sindl Talonstrike
- Captain Silverwind
- Guard Briarstorm
- Guard Pineshade
- Guard Marshmoor
- Guard Brookrock
- Josylyn Greenblade
- Merchant Lanin
- Merchant Kaeluase
- Merchant Ueaas
- Merchant Kweili
- Merchant Laedar
- Merchant Aildien
- Merchant Aluuvila
- Merchant Tilluen
- Merchant Sylnis
- Merchant Weaolanae
- Merchant Kanoldar
- Merchant Tiladinya
- Merchant Neaien
- Merchant Winerasea
- Merchant Minamas
- Merchant Gerienae
- Merchant Legweien
- Innkeep Anisyla
- Innkeep Wuleran
- Innkeep Larya
- Innkeep Linen
- Barkeep Tvanla
- Barkeep Sissya
- Barkeep Aanlawen
- Barkeep Myrisa
- Barkeep Lysslan
- Barkeep Tuviena
- Barkeep Syntan
- Barkeep Uulianu
- Barkeep Manlawen
- Merchant Aianya
- Merchant Iludarae
- Merchant Kwein
- Merchant Tinolwenya
- Merchant Uaylain
- Merchant Tananie
- Merchant Tegdian
- Merchant Ainaiana
- Merchant Nildar
- Merchant Aluwenae
- Merchant Linolyen
- Merchant Nluolian
- Merchant Gaeadin
- Merchant Tenra
- Merchant Gililya
- Merchant Tuluvdar
- Merchant Milania
- Merchant Muvien
- Lieutenant Leafstalker
- Guard Sunblaze
- Guard Starstrike
- Guard Dayblaze
- Guard Orcflayer
- Guard Valewatcher
- Guard Eaglesong
- Guard Oakwillow
- Guard Tangleroot
- Guard Nitegazer
- Guard Pinebramble
- Guard Moonwind
- Guard Frostfallen
- Guard Sunweaver
- Guard Treestrider
- Guard Noonshadow
- Guard Fayfield
- Guard Streamtree
- Sylp Tyanathin
- Jars Legola
- Fandl Arathin
- Hogus Durmas
- Jyle Windstorm
- Glyndur Tindel
- Galwyn Geldin
- Gundel Elorion
- Cylas Delbrin
- Bryn Fynndel
- Faril Elvebryn
- Mywyn Tinendel
- Sarawyn Amorfin
- Vynn Thrildur
- Anelia Thrywiel
- Guard Allmayn
- Guard Kiston
- Guard Hutian
- Guard Wisnyw
- Guard Crucorn
- Guard Evital
- Guard Legver
- Guard Lovayn
- Guard Trerun
- Guard Mystan
- Guard Meadom
- Guard Settine
- Guard Jassong
- Sylp Tyanathin
- Jars Legola
- Fandl Arathin
- Hogus Durmas
- Jyle Windstorm
- Guard Mystan
- Guard Tynthal
- Guard Psape
- Guard Plage
- Guard Tistan
- Guard Spioko
- Guard Golyn
- an elven scout
- an elven ranger
- an elven war scout
- Linadian
Greater Faydark
Innothule Swamp
Lesser Faydark
Northern Felwithe
Rathe Mountains
Southern Felwithe
Timorous Deep
West Freeport