How to get MoveDown command in client - levitate down while on horse

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by showstring, Dec 22, 2021.

  1. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Hi there

    Anyone got any ideas how to get this to work in our client? The "MoveDown" command does not appear to exist in the client options under movement hotkeys. Is this supposed to be like this? I recall using the END key to swim downwards back in the day, but maybe I'm confusing this with progression servers (newer clients).

    Does the MoveDown command exist in the Mac client?

    Basically I'm trying to find a way to levitate downwards while riding a horse that doesn't involve clicking off the horse to moving down. END key doesn't seem to be working here since it's not mapped to a MoveDown movement key command.

    Thanks for any help
  2. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    I thought about doing some hack for this too because it's really nice to do that instead of doing a downward spiral, but I guess it's just not a thing in this era yet.
  3. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    so, how many donation bribes will it take for the respective client hack? send me the invoice