Server Logic when returning multiple items

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Darchon, Aug 8, 2017.

  1. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Ive been noticing something that feels off when you are either doing quests or completing tradeskill combines that result in multiple items placed on your cursor, or autoinventoried for you.

    The order seems off to me.

    For quests, I feel like all of the quests I've done so far have always put a bag/container as the final item returned. So if you opened one inventory slot, the bag is forced onto your cursor because some random other item went into your open inventory slot first. This isn't a big deal but feels wrong.

    The bigger thing I've noticed, that I'm about 99% sure is incorrect, is the order tradeskill items are returned upon a combine.

    When you succeed for example, a metal sheet combine, your smithy hammer shouldn't be the first item on your cursor. You could tell if you failed the combine if your smithy hammer was on your cursor, without every looking at the text in your chat box.

    Reusable utensils should always be the final item returned in a combine.

    Before I posted a bug report I figured I'd see if there is a reason the server has for the order items are given out in the case of quests or cursored in the case of tradeskill combines.
    Neealana likes this.
  2. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    I had wondered about this, too. Thanks for posting .