New bloke

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CyrusMC, Dec 25, 2015.

  1. CyrusMC

    CyrusMC New Member

    New fella here. I remember playing EQ back in the PC sometime in 2006 for a month or so during a hunt for an MMO to buy and back then EQ was still fresh in a lot of people's minds. The big one had only been out roughly two years but we ended up going for the big one because everyone where my dad worked played it.

    Fast forward to 2010 or so, I found EQ mac edition somehow and played it for a couple of days before realizing I was far too busy at the time to really get into it. Heard some people out there were going to work on emulating Sony's server recently and decided to check it out so, here I am.

    I've made myself a halfling Cleric to test the waters and decided upon naming him Cuckooclock haha.
    I've figured (or remembered) rather some pointers I'd read long ago about bind certain things like Sense heading to the walking keys and so far I've managed to make myself up to level 3.

    I suppose that's it then! I don't know if I picked a good race/class combo or if I'm doing much of anything right as EQ is still pretty new to me so any pointers would be appreciated!
    Mokli likes this.
  2. Sturmm

    Sturmm Well-Known Member

    Clerics are always coveted in groups, and halflings have an experience bonus, so good job! Bottom line: If you're having fun playing, then you're doing it right, period. :)
    Welcome to the server!
    Khorpus likes this.
  3. Mascha

    Mascha People Like Me

    Welcome to the server, I am sure you will love it! Try to join a guild, it is much easier to find groups and get some startup help.
  4. CyrusMC

    CyrusMC New Member

    Thanks ladies and gents! IIRC there is a public channel on most servers but I can't for the life of me remember how to join them!
  5. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    /join alliance should do it. Can set to autojoin but it escapes me right now.
    CyrusMC likes this.
  6. Oiwon

    Oiwon People Like Me

    Welcome, enjoy yourself :)
  7. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Use /ooc, it is serverwide and stable, unlike alliance.
  8. Khorpus

    Khorpus Well-Known Member

    This. Welcome! Can never have too many clerics. Also if you like the headset idea you'll often find some of these crazy bastards all talking in a server-wide accessible mumble server as well, I'd check that out, good place to make friends. Info is at the top of the screen where it says "New voice chat server up." Good luck out there, if I see you on when I'm playing alts i'll shoot an invite over for sure.
  9. souske

    souske Well-Known Member

    Did you make any chars to box with your cleric?