Faction - can't get any worse/better

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seknah, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. Seknah

    Seknah Member

    I have been killing things, questing things, and have not seen any of these messages in times that I should have on live. I know it is possible there are errors in the faction system here, and/or that AK in general had a different faction layout than Live did.

    My question is does this server have it in place where you eventually reach a point that you can no longer gain/lose faction with a group in a message, or is it guess work on when to stop factioning? Been working on a few factions, rotating around as I level up my Team Fear and wondering if I need to keep checking faction every few hours or so, or if I can just sit and grind until I get the message indicating cap.
  2. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    the ally and kos has a large range before you hit cap. Kos is like minus 1000 to 3000 so there's a 2000 range. Ally has 1000 range.
  3. Seknah

    Seknah Member

    Yeah, I was just wondering if there was a message to reach or if I would need to guess when I am maxxed out.
  4. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    There are messages for both.
  5. Seknah

    Seknah Member

    Awesome. Thanks. =)