Custom Quest for new players

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pivoo, Jan 23, 2022.

  1. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    If you see in alliance, that someone (Wanor) is offering customized quest, take it! It is well worth it. I thought I was going to get one item as a reward. I was so wrong, thank you Wanor!

    I wasn't quite sure, what to do. Researching mysterious deaths in some town. I was sneaking around, listening to chatter from vendors, guards, trying to make sense of it... I was reading lore, didn't know lore was for EQ2... LOL! (I'm relatively new to EQ) Solution was much simpler and was part of my XP-jing anyway.

    I suggest you take the quest, it will put some spice into the game. Levels are not going anywhere, have fun. :) Oh and you will get rewarded on top of it. Looking now back, custom quest would be worth it even without the reward!
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2022
    giantfortt, Aithne, Mokli and 6 others like this.
  2. anotheregostar

    anotheregostar Well-Known Member

    WanorQuest is the best way to play EQ.
    giantfortt, pivoo and Aithne like this.
  3. giantfortt

    giantfortt Well-Known Member

    I hope it's alright for me to give this thread a minor bump. It inspired me to reach out to Wanor when I saw him mention his custom quests in Alliance and I'm very glad I did.

    Great experience. It felt like an authentic quest from an NPC. I ended up spending a couple days on it, hunting mobs and exploring a classic zone that I somehow never managed to visit. It was fun and challenging for my levels and I made ~1kpp off vendor trash in my early 20s without even trying. Not bad! Like pivoo here, by the end of the quest, I wasn't even concerned about a reward. I was just happy for the inspiration and experience (the reward exceeded my expectations and was incredibly generous too though).

    So thanks pivoo for making this thread and a huge thank you to Wanor for offering these!
    pivoo and Neealana like this.
  4. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    Neat, so did he kind of give instructions to go quest/research some preexisting old EQ lore?
  5. giantfortt

    giantfortt Well-Known Member


    I don't want to spoil any of his quests for others but mine was relatively open-ended and based on EQ lore. Not overly difficult but the quest might have been a little hard to understand for someone who has never spent any time in Norrath. There were plenty of hints to help guide you though and I'd bet that Wanor would offer some tips to people who are feeling lost. I was really impressed that the quest not only helped me explore more of Norrath & EQ's lore but it was also extremely level/class appropriate for my trio.
    pivoo and Cadsuane like this.