PoP flagging mechanics

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GrimPaladin, Jan 29, 2022.

  1. GrimPaladin

    GrimPaladin New Member

    Is there an official statement on how flagging will work. I looked around but didn't see it.

    I see tons of posts discussing how it could work or how it might have worked.

    I apologize if it should be obvious but my EQ partner and myself have been away for a bit and will probably be playing again soon. We are unguilded due to lack of time to devote. We mostly play in chunks of an hour here and an hour there so big raids and guild actions would be difficult. We're really hoping that at least the lower tiers will be accessible to us.
  2. Yarnee

    Yarnee People Like Me

    you can do a pojustice trial to get into Povalor + storms, then there are various alternative access quests for CoD, PoTactics, and Halls of Honor
  3. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    PoP currently is in the alpha phase where everyone must do the necessary flagging to access the zones. There is no 85/15 bypassing of flags.;

    There are alternate access quests available for Torment, CoDecay, HoH, and Tactics. Each of these quests will indicate they grant the flag to everyone in group if you follow the Allakhazam write up. But this is incorrect, on our server they only flag the character who does the quest.

    At level 46 every character has access to Knowledge, Tranquility, Justice, Nightmare, Innovation and Disease.

    You can do a PoJ trial for access to Valor and Storms. You can also do the Askr’s quest in storms for access to BoT. A warning about this quest; currently the limiting item in this BoT access quest is the Esoteric medallion which drops from mobs that spawn every 6 hours. The 6 raiding entities on the server have agreed to rotate these mobs. Technically unguilded folk aren’t bound to rotations they had no part in crafting, but you would have to contend with guilds of 60-70 Humans playing many different hours of the day who are likely much better geared and AA’d than you. An uphill battle to say the least. If you wait another 2-4 weeks I imagine these mobs will stop being rotated as many guilds will have had time to flag 200+ characters from their rotations.

    So eventually non-raiders can earn access to every zone pre elementals except Tower of Sol Ro. And who knows maybe one day the banished Efreeti will make its way to western waste.
    Aithne, Tryfan, Manstache and 2 others like this.