Would boxes beyond 3 ever be allowed?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by optimumtrash, Feb 19, 2024.

  1. optimumtrash

    optimumtrash New Member

    I’m a super casual player but was wondering if now that all content that will be released is done and things are a little quiet if boxing beyond 3 might be considered to add a fresh kick. For me I’ll never be raiding probably but could probably make a good show at things I would like to do if I could have more than 3, like epics, shawl, rings. I realize that probably allowing some players to have more than 3 on would probably make them stronger than I can really imagine, but maybe boxes beyond three could be restricted to Classic / Kunark / Velious to keep those super players from dominating the content that most of the server still cares about. Just a thought, I love Takp and just rolled some new toons after being away for a year and just thought it would be nice to have a fourth or fifth, but even with 3 Takp is still the best.
  2. Rexas

    Rexas Member

  3. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Probably not. Of all the things on this server, that is the thing that feels like its been set in stone since the beginning.

    Epics, shawls and rings can all be done with 3-boxes. Without raid gear some of it may be more challenging, but still doable. Stuff like DTing mobs in Sky for various epics may require a friend to help but outside of that lots of content is doable with 3 characters.
    RichardCox and Linkamus like this.
  4. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    How would you box 4+ toons effectively without automation software that is not allowed anyway? Otherwise, you're just dragging 1-2 or more extra toons around for an occasionally cast of something and they just sit there 95% of the time.

    Now a higher limit in non-combat zones like PoK I could get behind. For buffing purposes or perhaps tradesmules, etc.
    RichardCox likes this.
  5. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I think you’d be surprised how effectively people can box 4-6 characters without automating. Especially casters. Running a wizard for example with a 5x cast SoS Hotkey is a one button press every 40 seconds character. Sure they’re slightly less efficient than a focused wizard using EP pants concussions between each cast or using instant cast clicky spam. But largely they’re contributing close to 100% with that one in-game hotkey. Same with cleric CHing or any mage/Necro/druid with a 5-cast nuke/pet attack/DoT hotkey.

    My typical trio is a Dru/Enc/Pal.

    If I were allowed to box 6, I’d probably throw a bard in for automez, cleric for safety and a second enchanter. This would add very little activity to my play (CH every 15-20 seconds, pet attack once per fight on chanters, Druid probably nukes more).

    But really I think it wouldn’t open up much content other than trying to 1-group some lower tier raid mobs that you can’t really do with a trio
  6. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    I guess everyone is different. My enjoyment goes down the more characters I am playing at the same time.
    RichardCox and Kithani like this.
  7. optimumtrash

    optimumtrash New Member

    I guess with little prospects of getting raid gear and being a generally less knowledgeable player, that extra toon or two functioning like Darchon describes seems like enough to push me over some of the hurdles I encountered last time I was here. But I may improve skill-wise and push a little higher up in levels before trying this go around. The community has always been great and I have no doubt someone would help me out, it’s just my schedule is so sporadic it would be hard to expect someone else to be ok with abandoning something at a crucial moment because RL calls. A 4th or 5th would do wonders for me, but I wouldn’t want it to come at the expense of taking enjoyment from someone else, and it seems like the 3-box rule is well-loved. I thought running around old world zones with a few extra wouldn’t harm anyone but can’t really expect rules to be made to make my run easier haha.
    Tesadar and RichardCox like this.
  8. Palarran

    Palarran Well-Known Member

    I think it also works out well that there is a large exp bonus for having a 4+ character group (not arbitrary, but replicating an Al'Kabor bug, as I understand it) but 4 characters is the smallest group that requires a second human.
    RichardCox likes this.