
Discussion in 'News' started by Speedz, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    Petitions are read as often as we can (usually every morning)
    If we don't reply directly to you right away it is not ignored. Either the GM that is handling it can't catch you online, or we are looking into a fix.

    Also, petitions ARE NOT to be used to complain. If there is XP issues by gains or losses, the bug report section is for that.
    This is Beta. We are not "done".
    Voice the concern in a respectable manner as a bug report and everyone can weigh in on it and resolve it in a civil manner.

    Also if you have a stuck character issue, or something that you and the GM needs to be online at the same time for, please PM a GM.
    Include times that you can be online in PST. You can petition this as well but you'll get a faster response if you do both.

    I also do not mind that the petition system is used for reporting cheaters. Please keep up the good work there.