Donate for Development

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tylaric, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. Tylaric

    Tylaric Well-Known Member

    So, we have some awesome developers here that are working hard to give us back the world we lost and improve up on that.

    Some of that development is stalled right now because the Developers don't actually have Macs !

    I'd like to encourage all my fellow players who are loving the world to hit the donate button on the left and donate what you can afford.. if 10 of us Chipped in 50 bucks, thats 2 Mac Mini's for the dev team !

    We all love the game world, we all appreciate what these guys are doing for us so do what you can ! 10 bucks here, 50 bucks there and we'll have our game world back sooner !

    Maybe in your donation you can add a note - For Development.

    Some fine print: Under no circumstances would anyone ever be rewarded for their donation - we can never associate this game world with a financial component as thats how we get shut down. Covering costs of servers and I hope, a development donation would be ok though...

    As for myself, I'll be sending a few bucks on Payday =)
  2. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    The donation button is mainly for hosting costs.
    As far as hardware, I am leery of taking any money from the general pool.
    Best bet for hardware is a direct route with no cash exchange.
    I am a bit unsure of the legal area in this. But I would think any money should only go for the server hosting itself.
    We can't use a reward system for financial donations. But I don't think we are really limited beyond game balance and fairness for other barter based gifts.
    I don't believe in a cash shop style game mechanic, so any hardware donations would be far and few between.
    Rewarding for that I think is important, but I don't want to make anyone feel pressured to advance in game or feel left behind due to unfair advantages in our game world due to real world resources.

    Side note: I did pick up 5 Xserve systems 2 of which are junk 1 is kinda ok, but 1 is quite solid. Lastly one is a G5 which I have yet to test.
    They are the late 06 era Xserve boxes. I may see what I can do with them. as far as coding or even using it for client testing.

    The parts that are fried at first testing guess:
    2 Sata/SAS controllers are dead. 1 is iffy so 3 are needing replacement eventually.
    All could use CPU replacements or upgrades. 4 CPUs are solid I think. (I read that these can take up to a quad core Xeon. Some reports of 3Ghz working but most are in the 2.x range.)
    1 maybe 2 Motherboards might be weak.

    I want to cluster 2 or more of them, so if you happen to have the parts OR if you have your own Xserves that need parts off my nonworking ones let me know via PM.
    I consider this as personal use with a chance to use them on the project. So in a way It's just for me personally.
    I would not ever solicit or beg for donations in any form. This is merely a personal project since I am a hardware junkie lol.
    I have a ton of crap I also need to get rid of, so I like to trade junk for junk :p