Server Population?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by aronnov, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. aronnov

    aronnov New Member

    I'm coming home....

    PoP was where i started my MMO experience.. I've played EQ2, LOTRO, WoW since but they just couldn't measure up. I could never play any of them long as real life (Work, Marriage, Kids) take over but now im able to spend a little more time with games and I want to come back.

    I just started Project1999 and it's enjoyable but it's still not the same.. I miss the plane of knowledge and being able to get to places a little easier. I couldn't believe this place even existed (was hard to find) so now i'm going to give this a try. My first real love.

    The main question though.. is how's the server population?

    Will it be possible for me to find groups in lower level dungeons like Crushbone or BlackBurrow or Unrest? I really dont want to double box as i prefer to group with real people. (who don't mind me being a noob for a while until i relearn everything).

    Even if i can't find groups i'm still going to solo for as long as possible just for the memories.
  2. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    It will be slow if you are adamant about not playing a second (or third) character but many on this server have done it. Many people level up alts and are more than welcoming to a newbie jumping in and grabbing a spot.
  3. Secrets

    Secrets Well-Known Member

    I've personally done it. It's not easy, and you will HAVE to play a solo class, but it's doable. :)
    Elrontaur likes this.
  4. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    We've had a huge growth in population in the last few weeks. You'll find a lot of people to group with.
    Elrontaur and Oiwon like this.
  5. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Its been easier to find groups in recent weeks as Bum said. I say, get in on the floor level when you have no competition in areas you want to hunt, it will definitely not be that way forever. The server is only growing in population, albeit slowly. Its a testament to the confidence in the dev team. I'm sure there will be a big uptick when luclin comes out however.
    Elrontaur likes this.
  6. Maker

    Maker Member

    Welcome friend. If you're looking for players to group or guild with check out Nephilim. You can send me a tell in game or Zavil, Pkewanay or Stereogre for more info.

    Also i'd second Secrets advice. If you plan to not have a healbot etc. I would consider a solo friendly class.
    Verdent and Oiwon like this.
  7. Mascha

    Mascha People Like Me

    It also depends on your playtime. Euros have much less people to play with, US times it is much more crowded. Btw, after Euro championship is over, I will have more time to play again :)
    Elrontaur likes this.
  8. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    It ended like forever ago. Soccer. /yawn

    Come play
  9. aronnov

    aronnov New Member

    I can log into the game fine but when i boot it up it asks me to select which detailed character models i want to Display and I can't even check Half of them? It says I have about 4096mb free... I have over 8 gigs of ram. Is there a way i can play with all detailed models?

    Says they recommend that i only select 2?
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
  10. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Press enter key after selecting. Dont press button.
  11. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    Have to wonder if this is Ihaveafewquestions....
  12. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Thats normal if they actually get on and play.
  13. Oiwon

    Oiwon People Like Me

    I would recommend considering a 2nd box. It might not seem desirable at first, but you will be so glad you gave it a try. Imagine having that healer follow you around, run speed, ports, or mana regen! It's really a no brainer. You will find groups regardless but everyone on this server ultimately solos, so why not make things a bit easier on yourself? Just a suggestion :)
  14. aronnov

    aronnov New Member

    Thanks so much everyone. another question. Am i able to scroll out with the wheel mouse to third person (I couldn't get it to work) or do i just need to use F9?
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
  15. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    mouse scroll doesn't work on this client. yes need to use F9. Other players have other ways to work it in similar way without the mouse scroll.
  16. MikayahEQ

    MikayahEQ Well-Known Member

    More info please...
  17. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved


    This is how you scroll out
    Theus and Oiwon like this.
  18. lurari

    lurari People Like Me

    I've come across more players than I expected as I've been leveling up, including a fair number of solo characters!

    I'm in my thirties now, but I'm always happy to group/chat/share advice!
    Elrontaur and Oiwon like this.
  19. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    no cyb0r yet for me?
    Oiwon likes this.
  20. lurari

    lurari People Like Me

    I haven't seen you as you appear to be too busy Bumming around. :(