
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    For code changes - https://github.com/EQMacEmu/Server/pull/420
    * Added a focus item check to RequiresComponents, fixing Flame Lick and pet focus spells.
    * Updated flagging system to handle the /key command.
    * We're now sending inv_refnum to the client, which allows Apply Poison to work. Todo: Create an item serial system instead of using the slot.
    * Having an instrument equipped in secondary slot will now prevent items from being looted/equipped directly to the primary slot. Previously, we were only checking for weapons.
    * Added CR and DR bonuses to Barbarian that the client is already handling for us. The calculation does not match the client exactly at all levels, but it is closer than what it was with no server side bonus.
    * Added new column to npc_types, chesttexture. It and the columns Robregen loaded recently will now be sent in the spawn struct. This fixes a few NPCs that I've seen with incorrect armor appearance.*
    * Added a few stats to #showstats
    ~ Removed most of the old code, as it was spell based for EQEmu.
    ~ Implemented the basic framework, including packet communication, and reuse/ability timers for all discs.
    ~ Implemented the effects for sanctification, resistant, and fearless discs. The rest will need to be done one at a time. However, most are already implemented by EQEmu. They just need to be converted from the spell data to hardcoded data.
    ~ Added disc logsys category (SQL handled by world)
    * Fixed a bug where the universal chat server address would not be updated when logging in.
    * Reduced timeout for when client crashes, after which the LD timer starts.
    * Going LD without aggro will not be as severe.
    * Camping normally will take you to the character select screen again.
    * Changed disconnect process for camping, so it no longer shows a message that you were disconnected.
    * Added Lua / Perl Function for Encounters and GetGlobal (Clucksoft and KinglyKrab from EQEmu)
    * Add 64-bit ntoh/hton functions for Linux (Demonstar)
    * Added Focus Messages (Demonstar)
    * Exclude the spell haste message code since that is already generated by the client.
    * change the message for reagent cost in spell.cpp.
    * Added in NPC texture code (arm, leg, wrist, feet, hand)

    * a_thunder_spirit_princess should now drop 1 item instead of 2 since it has been verified.
    * OoT Seafuries should now drop gems more frequently.
    * removed charges from The Oblong Bottle which was causing issues as a ground spawn.
    * Set the loot to Goblin Alchemist in Beholder to drop the mace every time.
    * fixed up a few loottables in Plane of Sky.
    * computed damage and attack delay estimates for all common NPCs after classic

    * Added new kunark map and path files for VP / CoM (credit to Stairs @ P2002)
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2015
  2. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Camping normally should take you to the Character select screen. I have a typo in the notes.
  3. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    ah yeah. I'll fixed that right now. thanks. =D
  4. Sturmm

    Sturmm Well-Known Member

    "* Camping normally will take you to the character select screen again."

    WOOHOO! Thank you!!! :-D
  5. Toejam

    Toejam Member

    I assume this should read:

    Having an instrument equipped in secondary slot will now prevent items from being looted/equipped directly to the primary slot?
  6. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    Good catch, fixed it.