
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Mar 29, 2023.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member


    * fixed an issue where scripted mobs that work like traps are not set to depop right away.


    * Shadowknight NPC's no longer buff with the Cloak line spells
    * Werewolves will now attack certain NPC's based on 2000-2004 comments. This includes Fire beetles, elephants, animals, splitpaw gnolls, priests of life, knights of thunder, karana residents, and karana bandits. Note that this will potentially make tracking Quillmane cycle harder if the werewolf is up.
    * Fixed up Field of Bone, Paineel, Toxxulia Forest, East/West Freeport, East Commonlands, West Commonlands (factions, procs, level ranges, emotes)
    * Erudin and Paineel starting areas should be slightly more forgiving, we had almost all snakes/spiders proccing weak poison in Toxx, some shouldn't have had any poison proc, and some should have feeble poison instead. Paineel newbie yard should be a little better too.
    * removed "Rabies" proc from zombies, it appears to mostly be a mummy proc.
    * Added Rabies proc to chokidai, Tremor proc to golems, and Heart Flutter proc to undead iksar slaves in chardok, reduced proc rate of Tremor on the golems that already had it.
    * Fixed up some velks drops, mostly the black ice armor.
    * Added throne/crown drops to the Treasure Chest in the forest of mischiefplane
    * Dervish Thugs are now KoS to all, but still give -Dervish Cutthroat faction
    * Some of the higher level gnolls in BlackBurrow now have a chance to see invis
    * Lord Elgnub is now more rare


    * Added Lightstone/Greater Lightstone quest to Oasis Gypsy (she didn't have quest lead-in dialogue in this era, but there is quest rewards dialogue). credit to Telin
    * Added some missing dialogue in paineel, freeport, qrg, and qcat. credit to Nilbog
    * Added Bayle List evil option quest to deliver Bayle's lists to Kane in qcat/qeynos2
    * Adjust the respawntimer for Elgnub / PH.
    Indi, Mechaike, pivoo and 3 others like this.
  2. kai4785

    kai4785 People Like Me

  3. Smudge

    Smudge People Like Me

    Very excited to not get gibbed by a trap ;)
    Mechaike, lurari, pivoo and 1 other person like this.
  4. Indi

    Indi Well-Known Member

    You're slowly making my old home more perfectly matched to it's true state! I wish I had some video of me killing there on AK to show it was rooted also. Would an official timeline progression server that has the original PoM be a match to our eras PoM? I supposed someone very dedicated could level up a bard or cleric on one of those servers and make the run quite easily to check it out and get some info.
  5. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Did the TLP's have PoM 1.0? I thought they only had v2 because "the code was lost and it was broken" or some excuse.
  6. Indi

    Indi Well-Known Member

    Last I heard and knew of they actually have original PoM up until GoD or something like that.
  7. Indi

    Indi Well-Known Member

    Correction, sounds like it changes around LDoN.
  8. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2023
  9. Civenge

    Civenge Member

    One of these days the pack chloropast missing message when worn off will be fixed, but good work!
  10. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    There is no worn off message for this buff and there should not be.
    Civenge likes this.
  11. Indi

    Indi Well-Known Member

    You are 100% correct. I played on live during original PoM and on AK. EightySix and TwentyTwo were never visible on AK, and actually there was a period on live where it was "original" PoM and they were not visible either. What's interesting though is that YOU SHALL NOT PASS were visible on live when EightySix and TwentyTwo were not. I honestly do not recall if YOU SHALL NOT PASS were visible on AK or not, but if Torven made a note that they were not I would trust that.

    Side but related note, after some more digging I hear from another source that the version of PoM that TLP server possess actually came from AK's code. I'm getting more and more tempted to pay for a subscription to access Agnarr and level up a Cleric or Necro to 46 (easiest classes I can think of that can make the run).
  12. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    On TLPs the PoM 1.0 stays in place while the East Waste zone is added. So you don’t need to make a run really.
    Indi likes this.