
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    Overhauled guilds, zone crash is fixed, and most cases of Unknown Guild issues should be corrected as well.
    Added two new logsys categories, Maps and Character.
    Non base racial illusions will no longer be effected by deity, class, or character faction mods.
    LOS checks now again use BestZ, except if either target is in water.
    CheckRegion() is now more accurate.
    Added CheckRegion to the #los command
    Fishing now works off docks and on boats. It worked in every body of water I tested.
    Sorted many logs into their proper logsys category.
    LOS and angle check added to bolt spells
    Disabled invisibility stacking
    NPC procs of AoE spells made to single target only
    New GetPushHeadingMod() for more precise push angles
    BestZ replaced with z+2 in push routines to prevent Z sinking