
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Dec 27, 2017.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member


    * Holyforge crippling blow chance fixed.
    * Holyforge/slay undead damage calculation modified, but not yet precise.
    * Holyforge crits now only occur on undead targets.
    * Charmed NPCs again use item haste.
    * Strength buffs on pets were erroneously capped in a recent patch and this is now fixed.
    * 'beams a smile' text no longer sent when spell is not castable by the mob. This prevents the text from being sent on lifetap proc weapons such as the goldrenrod.
    * NPC held Magic weapons no longer disarmable.
    * Most disarmed NPCs will no longer talk when disarmed.
    * Disarm success rate formula redone. It now rolls against the target's offense skill. Success rate was also made more reasonable. Note that this formula (and the previous one it replaced) is not based on any data and is subject to change if any data becomes available.
    * Adjusted camping timer slightly, to allow client enough time to finish camping so when the logout packets are received from the client, it will reduce the chances of being handled like a linkdead. Sometimes camping will result in LD, rather than going to character select. This will hopefully help some of those cases.
    * Fixed an issue with adding heal aggro to leashed mobs, which caused some unpredictable behavior.


    * Stonebrunt Titans are now immune to run speeds changes.
    * Trophy recipes are now trivial at 335.
    * necropolis: Jaled Dar`s Shade stats adjusted


    * Anniversary 1,2, and 3 is now live.
    * necropolis: Jaled Dar`s Shade will now depop after being up for a day and zone shouts added.
    Lyrina likes this.