Make best and second best trio out of these 9 classes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pivoo, Jun 21, 2021.

  1. Tecmos.Deception

    Tecmos.Deception Active Member

    So -mr gear and malo are pointless 95% of the time then, right? Normal mobs only have like 35 MR or whatever without buffs, and by the time you get the quested tash you can drop that below the MR resist floor?
    pivoo likes this.
  2. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    -MR gear will be more potent in PoP when the best pets have higher MR
    pivoo likes this.
  3. Auyster

    Auyster People Like Me

    Know any good negative MR gear for charms?
    pivoo likes this.
  4. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Very few pets will require -MR gear if they have Tash already. Level 61 Tash is -50 MR. This drops basically every PoP trash mob to the floor. Exceptions are limited to BoT Krigers, some Diaku, frenzied initiate etc.

    But for a regular charmed pet in Water/Fire/Valor/Storms/HoH you will hit the floor with just Tash.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2021
    pivoo likes this.
  5. Break

    Break People Like Me

    I feel so foolish for walking around all this time with an Adamantite Band, Gauntlets of Mortality, and Rusty Spiked Shoulderpads. I guess that wasn't helping much if at all.
    pivoo likes this.
  6. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Yea so all that stuff isn't doing anything for most charmed pets.

    Now if you really wanted to be an overachiever you could skip Tash entirely with:

    Adamantite Band (-10)
    Gauntlets of Mortality (-5)
    Rusty Spiked Shoulderpads (-10)
    Astral Leggings of the Titans (-5)
    Astral Cloak of the Titans (-5)

    That should drop most mobs to very near the floor without any debuff.
    pivoo, Ransom and solar like this.
  7. Loraen

    Loraen Well-Known Member

    Does this mean that with a bit of MR gear a low level enchanter could charm an NPC considerably above their level without any increase in break chance? Say +8 levels, so 25 base + (8*8/2 = 32) - 45 gear = 12 MR, the minimum?
    pivoo likes this.
  8. Auyster

    Auyster People Like Me

    Well a low level enchanter won't have the spell to charm an NPC considerably above their level.
    pivoo likes this.
  9. Ugmar

    Ugmar Member

    I started as Clr/Mag/Ench. I liked it a lot. I just felt it was a bit too distanced of a feel for me, realized I wanted a melee.

    Rolled as Dru/Pal/Ench - was incredible when charming and just too slow otherwise. Super tanky, did tons of dungeon crawls. Really enjoyed it. Got to 55 on the trio.

    At 55 I subbed out the enchanter for a beastlord. I was sick of it being stressful when I just wanted to chill some nights, so I wanted a reliable trio. Loved the trio. Had more wipes than with an enchanter. Slower kill speed. But, I usually could Scotch and chill while playing and not have a miserable night.

    Contemplating coming back and really want to dust off the 55 enchanter and do it with a pally and druid. Now that I have more experience, gear, etc.... Charming sounds awesome for AA grind
    pivoo likes this.
  10. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    I'm not a math guy, but this doesn't seem right to me. Trash mobs in HoH, Codecay, Tactics and PoValor would resist festering darkness from time to time, even with tash. Their effective resists would be -8 if they were floored with Tash. It wasn't super uncommon for tashed pet to break and WoM or CoD to be resisted. It wasn't super common either, but it did happen.
    pivoo likes this.
  11. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    I think without really good gear or MGB buffs, any of the trios besides mezzing enchanters would have trouble with 5 bandits at once.

    With your options, I'd go beast/cleric/mage or beast/cleric/necro. Cleric lulls and beast pulls singles from bandits. Two pets demolish single pulls quickly. You'll be 45 before you know it.
    pivoo likes this.
  12. Ugmar

    Ugmar Member

    If I was starting from scratch and did not want to charm, and possibly even if I did.

    Bst / Clr / Mag will be a beastly trio that's very non gear dependant and can do a lot of content.
    pivoo likes this.
  13. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Ranger/Ranger/Ranger. Don't knock it until you've tried it. Requires 3 physical machines
    pivoo and Walex like this.
  14. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Archery corner un-nerf confirmed? Thank you devs!
    Ripwind, pivoo, Kithani and 1 other person like this.
  15. Walex

    Walex I Feel Loved

    and $1.50 in pennies
    pivoo likes this.
  16. dday17

    dday17 Member

    Besides the ranger I have all of those classes and my favorite trio to run is beastlord, necro , Druid. At 60 it’s a very powerful trio. You complete heal with no aggro is nice for when you pull trains. The necro can split things if need be. The beastlord slow is good in 99% of the situations. It’s great to have Evacs , snare, and ports. Also corpse summons are nice too. I suggest hanging in there and keeping your current trio.
    pivoo likes this.
  17. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Have you ever tried stacking pennies on a keyboard. It don’t work too well! Try a 2oz fishing sinker instead! :p
    pivoo likes this.
  18. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    I don’t know, that seems pretty tough. What would be the strategy one snare and run while the other shoot?
    pivoo likes this.
  19. Auyster

    Auyster People Like Me

    Just root the mob, now it becomes equivalent to 1.5 rangers shooting a target that is attacking someone.

    Or, do as all good Paragon rangers do. Make a macro to autocast superior healing. One melees, one chain casts the OP heal, and the other does as rangers do and attempt to outmelee a rogue.
    pivoo and sowislifesowislove like this.
  20. Thunderace

    Thunderace People Like Me

    best trio out of the 9 classes your listed imo


    Maybe wiz/wiz/nec
    pivoo likes this.
  21. Silvermink

    Silvermink Member

    That would be a feat getting rangers to cast superior healing.
    pivoo likes this.
  22. Auyster

    Auyster People Like Me

    I just realized rangers get greater healing, not OP Superior Chad Healing.

    Horrible class, need like 50AAs to properly play their one string lute and before then they melee worse than a warrior.
    Once they get AAs then they are really good, but leveling them made me wanna gouge an eye out.
    pivoo likes this.
  23. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    First, thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts and information. I'm now in a process (with my limited time) to get all previously mentioned characters into mid 20's level, then I will try all of combinations you posted. It will be fun playing around.

    With my original trio I was doing few mistakes. I didn't know BST has slow already. Actually I had spell in my spellbook, but I didn't use it, I didn't know what it was. With all these characters, I'm getting lost with all their spells. My bad memory doesn't help either. Also, I was only using 2 BSt pet's buffs, but I actually have 4. 5 with Druid's skin like stone. Yeah, BST's pet is stronger now ;-)

    Anyway, once I get them all into mid 20's in a few weeks/months, I will probably pick two different trios and level with both of them. Thanks for all the sharing you did with me.

    About WIZ/WIZ/WIZ or ENC/ENC/ENC or RNG/RNG/RNg and similar, I have a suspicion, those suggestions were 100% non biased ;-)

    I think I will stick with mixed group. :) Feels like better match for this lowly beginner.

    Oh, I keep forgetting clicking on 'like' button. Sorry about this. I don't use Twitter, FB or any other social media, so I'm forgetting this part...
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2021
    Ransom likes this.
  24. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    You are making a good point, many good points, I will definitely give a good test to your combination.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2021
    Tecmos.Deception likes this.
  25. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    I meant with points distribution. My Enchanter got fair share of points into Charisma per P99 guides. Oh well ;-)
  26. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    I wasn't considering shaman, since from P99 I learned it is very gear dependent. But I forgot here I have trio, so this should change things a little bit.

    Well, base on your comment above I'm now leveling shaman as well. I have now 3 trios at different stages lol

    So now, that shaman is in place, how would you combine best trio? Swap out enchanter with shaman? Would you do any other change?
  27. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    Paladin, Shaman, Mage - paladin can reliably pull into the high 50s. Shaman requires a bit of work when played efficiently, but you can macro some cast/canni/canni/sit to help. Mage for the easiest dps per actions.
    pivoo likes this.
  28. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Would it work well if I switch Paladin with SK? Asking since Paladin is also designated to this trio:

    All this is of course for leveling, all my characters are at levels between 12 and 24
  29. anotheregostar

    anotheregostar Well-Known Member

    The Paladin/Shaman/Mage trio would be nice to have the paladin in for the ability to pacify for pulls. For the trio in your post, I play an SK/Dru/Ench and I love it.
    Ransom and pivoo like this.
  30. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Ah perfect, thank you! I'm bringing all my characters to the same level so switching around will be easy :)