PoK books

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 1xKoSx1, May 12, 2021.

  1. 1xKoSx1

    1xKoSx1 New Member

    I could be misremembering from the old days.

    Where are PoK books? I looked in Field of Bone, Nekultos Forest and Inno Swamp without luck.
  2. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved


    The blue "K" symbol on these EQAtlas maps denotes the PoK books. In Nektulous it is around 800, -300 (roughly based on the map). In Field of Bone it is around -3000, 1800 ish. Etc.
    OuterChimp likes this.
  3. rainessa

    rainessa People Like Me

    Sometimes, Rob accidently removes one or two. Has anyone checked that they are there today after patch? :p
  4. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    I swear the butcherblock book changes the direction it’s facing every now and then
  5. 1xKoSx1

    1xKoSx1 New Member

    Thanks for the help. Seems my memory isn't as good as it use to be!