Game accounts, trader, few (many lol) more beginner questions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pivoo, May 12, 2021.

  1. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    I was creating game accounts thinking they are characters. Can I delete some of them? The empty ones. Or rename them? Can't seems to figure out how.

    Does trader need to be the only character in his own game account? Or I can have several characters in one game account, but one of them will be trader? I understand, once I set the trader, it is not reversible any more.

    Is for trader any race/class preferable, such as high STR stats?

    Can I share items between characters? If yes, only between the ones on same game account or all?

    If I do 'drop' item transfer, is it risky like on P99? How many minutes I have, before item disappears?

    I see in game account, each character has two links (top right): Inventory & Bank. What those do if I click on them? I don't want to set something permanently, so I rater ask first. Game accounts screw up is enough lol

    That's from top of my head.

    Oh and YAY!!!!! Someone gave my Druid Super Duper Staff that I will have way into 60's!!!! Since I don't plan to raid, I will probably have it forever! Thank you good soul from Imperlum! I'm not sure if is OK to post player name or not, so i will rather not, to be on a safe side. But you made my day!!!!! :)
    Last edited: May 12, 2021
  2. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    You can't delete game accounts unfortunately. If the game accounts are empty, you may be able to petition (using the petition forum) to delete them, but I am unsure if they will.

    You can fill up the trader account, but they will all be flagged as traders, meaning they can't leave PoK, the Nexus or the Bazaar. It just allows an additional character to be online aside from your normal 3 ingame characters.

    Any race/class yes. It is created in the bazaar or PoK, I forget where it starts.

    Only between characters, so they both have to be online at the same time, so they would have to be different game accounts since you can only have one character online at a time from each game account, max of 3. There is also an option to move characters around if you find you want to use different characters with other characters you never originally intended to. I basically keep 1 toon on most of my accounts.

    I wouldn't do a drop transfer here, stuff fades real quick. Especially if you can just create a lvl 1 quick to do it, there really isn't any need.

    The Inventory and Bank urls or just displays of what you have. Makes sense you're cautous though. But its safe to click those, I don't think you can change anything from those links.

    You can drop names all you want to thank them. Welcome aboard.
    Last edited: May 12, 2021
    pivoo likes this.
  3. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Thank you for your answers! One of my questions was really silly! With boxing transferring items is trivial anyway. Even inside the same game account, just use different account for temporally hold.

    Ah yes, I had a feeling whole account become trading, good asked first, I almost made a mistake.

    Today was my first day of fight. Had PotG on my Druid and good staff so it was my main. Went after yellows and even killed two red in a row (FoB - Militia Skeleton) at lvl 2. Nice :) I heard in Alliance it will be reset and warning before that. But I was so busy defending myself (lol) I never saw any msg. Then i was disconnected in the middle of the battle. Hope I will survive to keep my PotG buff.

    Question: I see whenever I engage in the fight with one of the alt, auto-follow drops. So I always have to re-follow. I put follow on a button, but is there some kind of command, macro, that I can put into the follow button, that would automatically target my main and follow? Like this bellow? (I can't try now since it is reset) :)

    Also, when playing on P99 I've heard of assist but since I solo 100% I never got a chance to try it. If I use assist here, will auto-follow drop again?

    And what is command? Is it like this bellow?

    Does only pet assist? Or only pet classes? Or any classes?
    Is assist command for pet different than assist command for an alt?

    I never played EQ before, just tried recently p99 so all this is new to me :)
    Last edited: May 12, 2021
  4. Silvermink

    Silvermink Member

    Useful commands for boxing
    /target name
    /assist <name optional>
    /pet attack

    Assist will not move you into range or break follow. If you do /assist off (seems to be a global setting) assist will not turn attack on. Good for casters out of melee range. If you back up or pull through box, you can line up mobs between tank and boxes to get them in melee range, but it can be tough to do in many environments. If the mob attacks the box and not tank, then things can go downhill fast.
    pivoo likes this.
  5. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    I like to add a /pet back off command in there too before attacking the assisted mob. Without, if pet is already on another mob it won’t attack the mob you want it to.
    pivoo, DubRemix88 and John Stark like this.
  6. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    Yes, this man is correct. Even when you get pet hold, you still want to clear the pet's target on every command.
    pivoo likes this.
  7. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    First, sorry for later reply. I spent all my free time (as little as I have it) on playing the game.

    Thank you all for the replies! I'm dummy! Somehow I didn't see /target name. No wonder my assist macro didn't work. Will try later today. Thanks all for help! Game is great!!!

    Thanks for pointing out: /pet back off - to avoid some potential problems!
    Last edited: May 19, 2021
    Mokli likes this.