changes that are not posted in the changelog

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gardnerjens, Apr 19, 2021.

  1. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    i have noticed changes to different things over the time, that have not been stated in the changelog.

    Is that because these things are being changed on the fly, and not required a reboot ?
    Lyrina likes this.
  2. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    here are a few examples of changes that i have not seen in the change log.

    Cazic thule in Plane of Fear, is not enraging anymore, his Rampage rate is lowered.

    Sol A, Kite limit after the kite limit was introduced has been decreased.

    these are some examples of changes that i have not seen posted
    Lyrina likes this.
  3. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    none of these were directly changed. It could be cause an indirect changed from new navmesh code. I noticed with navmesh, some mobs aren't sticking to their destinated grid location.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2021
    Mechaike, Lyrina and Cadsuane like this.