Casual player looking for advice

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BonnieJ, Sep 26, 2017.

  1. BonnieJ

    BonnieJ New Member

    I play 1-3 hours/night, 5 nights a week (at most). My husband works second shift, so I'll often get on EQ after the kids are in bed, to kill the time until he comes home. None of my chars are over level 26; most are late teens or early 20's. What's the best way to get more playing time with other people? It's often pretty difficult to find someone to group with, as 90% of the people online seem to be lvl 60. Should I just keep slogging it out, boxing? Do you miss a lot by power leveling? I'd like to get more playing time with other people & not just boxing. What's the best way to do that?
  2. necra

    necra People Like Me

    what time zone are you ?.
    try /join alliance and reach out to people and see if they have alts around your level that they might log in to group with you.
    you could also look at what guilds operate in your time zone and reach out to those and see if you would be a good fit.
  3. BonnieJ

    BonnieJ New Member

    We're in Eastern. I've tried looking for folks through alliance, but usually just get crickets as a response. I'll try again. Maybe I'll reword my requests: "Lvl *whatever* <class> who would really like to get through the 20's soon lfg." Too needy?
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
  4. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Dont say you are lfg. Come out and say you are putting a group together and looking for more. Where you are going. What level and classes you need to join.

    Saying LFG is too passive.

    Draeko and BonnieJ like this.
  5. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    You're not technically LFG if you've already got a boxed group killing stuff. Instead advertise that you are "looking for more"
  6. BonnieJ

    BonnieJ New Member

    Ok. I'll be more assertive/specific.
  7. BonnieJ

    BonnieJ New Member

    Yeah, but if I just want to focus on my cleric or my monk (for example), I'm not already boxed & killing stuff. I'm sitting there thinking, "How come "/w" gives me 40 level 1's, 100 level 60's, two level 40's, and my level 22? How come it's always so hard to find people in the middle grades?" :D
  8. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    People arent always on their middle level chars. But most people have them. And many are happy to hop on a diff toon and go out and play.
    BonnieJ likes this.
  9. BonnieJ

    BonnieJ New Member

  10. Tarkon

    Tarkon Well-Known Member

    Most of the level 20-30 toons are likely toons that are being powerleveled.

    There will be hits and misses. Some folks will be in a hurry to PL up their toon and may not want to group. Others will be more than happy to add another.
    BonnieJ likes this.
  11. Skratching

    Skratching Active Member

    A lot of people are looking for things to do and will jump at thto chance to group. As it was stated before if you advertise looking for more people will join!
    BonnieJ likes this.
  12. Guilder

    Guilder Member

    Unrest, Highkeep and Sol A are usually the most frequented zones for mid to high twenties. You can always go to one and play and eventually someone else will show up.
    Videri-Tala and BonnieJ like this.