Newbie Quests

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheAmarant, Nov 30, 2016.

  1. TheAmarant

    TheAmarant New Member

    I was looking at the wiki and it's a bit thin on the quest info. What quests would be recommended for a noob like me? I am skulking around Lake of Ill Omen right now and will probably be here for a little while.

    Also, does the P1999 wiki have the same info or are TAKP and P1999 too different? There seems t me to be a little overlap at least.
  2. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Quest information is generally correct, except for epics, but if you use p99 wiki for spawn information you will be disappointed most of the time.
  3. TheAmarant

    TheAmarant New Member

    Alright! Thanks.
  4. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    However feel free to update our wiki with anything you like. I host it but it's up to the community to populate it.
  5. TheAmarant

    TheAmarant New Member

    Thanks. I will!