Howdy All

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by thantoas, Nov 23, 2016.

  1. thantoas

    thantoas Member

    Good Morning !!

    I wanted to drop a quick thank you to the staff that has put this together!!

    I am starting anew, I have not played EQ in around a decade....and this has been an amazing blast from the past, not to mention incredibly humbling.... I knew all there is to know about EQ. I led raids, I have been the primary puller of countless gods and underlings. I have completed 3 epic quests......and yesterday.... i had my ass handed to me by a fire beetle....

    I walked up to the fire beetle, I politely informed him that I am the master of all i survey, I have mastered the powers of life and death, I have awoken the sleeper..... Upon smashing him with a rather fine cracked staff...the insolent little bug, said...and i quote..."clack...clack...." which is clearly some sort of rallying cry...because his entire clan repeated this bizarre chant and they ate me alive......

    I assure you, this insult will not go unchallenged.......

    Its amazing to look back and see how challenging this game was when it launched. there is nothing quite like it. You can see how it became evercrack. The small rewards we get seem so amazing in the moment. When i vanquished the fire beetle.....that means nothing to my characters a decade ago, but right here and right now.... There is a real sense of accomplishment. Most of us know that its very difficult to reproduce the fun that happens in raiding guilds, so we all want to level up to be in that environment, but you really have to handed it to the team running this server for NOT watering down the new experience.

    EQ was hard y'all...... I cant believe i dont remember how hard it was to start with NO money, no buffs, just a quest tunic and the knowledge that i have to kill level one mobs and loot everything. It must have been all those toons i leveled up with fungi tunics and FBSSs, or later my boxed chanter...... I remember we constantly tried to hit 35-40 before the newbie food ran out. Most of time we wanted 50 over a weekend.

    Im hours in and level 5...The re-introduction has been priceless, it has been so rewarding.

    So thank you EQ team, Thank you for being brave enough to leave the introduction real. For not sugar coating it with toned down starting zones.

    Its clear we all never actual played EQ....... we survived EQ......
    Mokli, Pinoit, Mambo and 3 others like this.
  2. TomF000

    TomF000 New Member

    Those first few levels are tough for sure. In my opinion, it gets so much easier when you start hitting the mid teens and actually have some useful spells.

    I didn't start playing until after PoP was released, so my first time around I missed a lot of the classic content. With my current trio I have been leveling in Najena, and now Sol A and I am having a blast.

    With the bazaar active it is pretty easy to start picking up decent gear, heck maybe even a little too easy?

    Anyways, i'm glad you're back to the crack. I'm sure by the next time I can play we'll be miles apart in levels (I don't play often), but if by some chance we aren't, feel free to shoot me a tell for some grouping or gimp buffs.

    Good luck!

    Ichneumon 28 Beastlord, Grubble 29 Druid, Chester 29 Mage
  3. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    AC has a huge impact at lower levels, make sure to equip anything you come across. Also, stop by PoK for some buffs as there is generally always someone there willing to help.
  4. thantoas

    thantoas Member

    Thanks so much for the Offers!!!

    I completely forgot about PoK and the Bazaar.....

    That does change things....
  5. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Welcome! What are you rolling?
  6. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    One of my favorite things about this server is the integrity that is maintained here. Player's accomplishments or failures are manifested by their merit alone. No favortism or handouts that I have seen at all. I remember on AK GMs handed out some really nice items sometimes during GM events (even PoTime items before anyone had broken into time!!). That always rubbed me the wrong way. Have been happy to see that hasn't happened here (as far as I know).

    Welcome to the server! Send me a tell if you ever need anything.
  7. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved


    /cough Oakwynd

    Edit - Although some people here do have some neat titles from GM's :D
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2016
    Mambo likes this.
  8. thantoas

    thantoas Member

    Its up in the air, My main back in the day was a monk. But i have leveled a shammy, chanter, cleric and SK to max before.

    I was always some what jealous of the solo mages and nerco's back in the this time around i have both leveled to 4 or 5 trying to figure out what i want to do.

    I wold have gone the shammy-monk rout...but i dont feel like going through the monk nerf again.

    I dragged a buddy with me and he is going to do a pally and Mage, so i am thinking ill do a shammy or chanter for utility, and im leaning Chanter. So maybe we push his Pally to tank, and i can go Cleric or Druid and then a nerco or another mage for DPS.

    So we would likely be Pally(tank)-Chanter(crack-haste-slow-CC)-Mage(afk DPS-mod rod)-Necro(afk DPS-Puller pray i can get a circle of shadow-mana feed)-Cleric(heals-buffs)

    Maybe I can talk him in to three boxing and we get another DPS.

    We are flirting with the idea of leveling up another healer( druid/shammy) once his pally gets rez...

    If i end up getting on alone, I guess ill use dark and charm to solo.

    I really wish i could think up a away to make a Chanter-mage-necro work that did not involve massive expensive runes taking the place of heals...
  9. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    just let your pets tank. with 3 pets you have plenty of time to resummon if they die. i think you'll be surprised how effective pet tanking is, especially with a slower.
  10. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    Exactly my point. I thought it was so lame when that Oakwynd was given out. So dumb. Titles are awesome though for people that want them :) .
  11. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    The Bums
  12. Pinoit

    Pinoit Well-Known Member


    I'm actually a tad envious... I really miss this experience.

    Welcome to the best re-enactment server there is!
  13. thantoas

    thantoas Member

    Thank you!

    I do feel welcome!! I totally get why you might feel a twing of envy. We all fell in love with EQ at some point, and it made enough of an impact that we have gravitated back to it some 16 to 17 years after it launched.

    This time it is very different for me, back in 1999 i was a lucky beta tester and got a pre glimpse of what was to come. When it went live on the Zek, it was all business we had to beat other guilds in size and speed to max. When the Zeks split we made a tactical choice based on out running other guilds. None of that was fun, none of it was stop and smell the roses, it was all work.

    I am really enjoying it. I completely forgot that the POK was a thing.... I also forgot about the Nexus.... So far the POK is the only boon I really taking advantage of. I have politely turned down hand outs and upgraded gear, just enjoying the challenge of my return.

    Ill be honest...and really embarrass myself here, I forgot we have to "skill up" to meditate... yeahhhhh........ So i am real learning things i forgot. ITs been a joy.

    I dont know for how long ill continue to rough it do it all from scratch, but right now its been a great return. I assume ill hit a wall eventually and go looking for buffs, and shop for better stuff. I am already starting to thlnk about raids again, and what ill have to do to find a raiding guild.
    Mambo and Neealana like this.
  14. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    1. Have a different IP than others
    2. Be alive

    Be drama free