Returning player. Feels good to be back in Norrath

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nicandrea, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. Nicandrea

    Nicandrea New Member

    Just wanted to say hello to the community. A returning player from a long time ago. Really enjoying this server even though I just started. Just rolled a Dark Elf Cleric and I am loving the nostalgia of yesteryear. The sounds and the overall gameplay just will never be topped. Anyway. Just wondering on the best way to build up some funds in early game. Been getting bone chips in Nek Forrest. I hear they go for a decent amount? Need some gear bad. Being naked sucks. :) Ill just keep grinding away in Nek and maybe a few stacks of bone chips will get me started? I have gotten a few gold from wolf pelts. Need money for all my spells. Thanks for any advice.

    Lvl 2 Cleric
    Oiwon, Elroz and Ransom like this.
  2. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    Nicandrea and Tesadar like this.
  3. Nicandrea

    Nicandrea New Member

    Thank You Elroz! I will look into doing those quest. Sounds like a good way to get some starter armor. I will def look into that tonight! Thanks again! :)
  4. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Kill spiders

    Loot spider silk

    Make silk swatch

    Sell to me(450/stack of swatches or 200/stack of spider silks)

    I will fill your pockets with pp
  5. Nicandrea

    Nicandrea New Member

    I HEAR YA Bum! I actually have about 7 spider silks as well. Ill keep you in mind when I get a stack or two. Not real sure how to make the silk swatch but I can look into it.
  6. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    2 spider silks unstacksd in a loom or tailor box

    No fail
  7. Nicandrea

    Nicandrea New Member

    Easy enough!! Ill work on that for ya!!
  8. Nicandrea

    Nicandrea New Member

    I assume
    I realized last night that I have spiderling silks. When I put them in the loom it made spiderling thread. I assume you dont need these Bum?? Maybe I will run into some mobs that drop "spider silk" when I venture out a little further.

    Thanks Bum!!!
  9. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Spider Silk makes Silk Swatch. Used in Tailoring Combines 76-158, and up to 250 if doing Solstice Robes (which is what Bum is doing).

    Spiderling Silk makes Silk Thread. Used in Leather Padding which is a low Tailoring combine which is then used in Smithing Combines 155-188, and higher if doing cultural plate armor.

    Both are sold and bought by tradeskillers. Both are no-fail combines, so it's usually in your best interest to just click and combine them before selling them. Lazy/Rich tradeskillers will pay additional prices for not having to do those clicks themselves. Especially in large quantities.
    Nicandrea likes this.
  10. Nicandrea

    Nicandrea New Member

    Thanks for that info Darchon! I will just make a few stacks of silk thread and see what I can sell them for. I REALLY need some gold. Bags are the thing I need to buy first. Running back and forth to Neriak after a few kills is rough. I just want enough loot to get 8 good bags and all my level 1 spells and I will be rolling. :) I appreciate everyone's help. This server seems really close and willing to help out. Glad I found it. I am really enjoying the game again. I have 3 month old triplets so my gaming time comes when I can get them all asleep at the same time. Not always easy.

    Thanks again everyone!!!
  11. Zacharg

    Zacharg New Member

    Wow! I thought one toddler was tough to find time to play. I can't imagine infant triplets and a toddler ( based on your profile pic). Cuddos to you, sir!
    Nicandrea likes this.
  12. Nicandrea

    Nicandrea New Member

    Thanks Zacharg!! Yea. I usually get an hour or two at night when my 2 year old goes to bed and I am waiting for the triplets to wake up for their midnight-ish feeding. Its pretty much constant chaos around the clock at my house. That's why I like to "unplug" and escape to Norrath for a bit when I can. A nice get away.
    Ransom likes this.
  13. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved


    1 baby at a time for me was enough

    zomg 3?! Sounds like something Elcid would make
    Ransom and Nicandrea like this.