Attracting new players

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by surron, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. surron

    surron People Like Me

    I think it is a general duty as us players of TAKP to attract new players, it shouldn't be left up to the devs or server admins to do this. The getting started guide of the wiki is up to date with Secret's new client. The original 1 click download link (Windows) is still working as of today to get into the game with no problems. Once the player is actually in game, then it's no doubt that the people of AK via /ooc offer a great community, we just need to get them there!

    I think we should use this thread to come up with ideas on how we can get some new players joining our server.

    • Bumping threads on rerolled or p99 off topic about how you are enjoying the server can do a great deal for us in the long run. I will do my best to stay off of other servers threads and to stay on topic in our own thread.
    • I think the unregistered vs login view of the forum should be the same ( is too limited to the public) Sometimes its 3+ days before patch notes or general discussion is updated. We need to look more alive as a community (at least make the section "Server Activities" public as the bazaar is updated regularly.)
    • I've created a thread on give it an upvote if you can
    • Tell your friends on Phinny or other TLP servers about us
    Anyone have any other ideas on how to spread the word?
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
    Elroz and Oiwon like this.
  2. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    A shrine to Hobart !
  3. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    may be worth posting threads on old eq sites where people might check in when they're reminiscing. I don't know which ones are still active or even alive though. Sites like samanna's, graffe, or whatever some of the old research / fan sites were. Those threads wouldn't need much bumping if the forums are pretty dead.

    Also, thanks for trying to bring new people in, it really helps everyone to have a stable community base. I check reddit pretty often, was glad to see that thread at the top of my list when I logged in today.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2015
    Khorpus likes this.
  4. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    I'm happy with our current player base.

    I don't want the trash and drama of p99.
    Oiwon likes this.
  5. Khorpus

    Khorpus Well-Known Member

    Great idea. +1

    Bum, I agree, we're doing pretty well, but we really do need moar folks. Obviously my opinion. And just because we bring in a few bad eggs here and there doesn't mean we don't bring in a whole lot of other great players, and even possibly ones from AK that still didn't know this project existed. I would so love to see more population here. It adds to the flavor!

    It would be beautiful to see someone say "30 pal lfg" at this point and there were people in highkeep or unrest or keasora (or whatever) that had a place for them instead of a server full of level 60's and nothing else. Or to see a new player that obviously had to be PL'd or just trio themselves up until they were kosher to play. It's also fun to see a lively server instead of a dead server until everyone in a guild log in during a raid and then complete silence when they're not on. I'm with Surron on this one. Bring on the peoples, make this game alive and flourish again! Noobs and groups, all the things.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2015
    Elroz likes this.
  6. Seknah

    Seknah Member

    More people for me to group and have fun with would be great! Though I tend to hunt in different locations depending on my wants and needs, such as hunting in low-XP zones for specific drops or faction gains.
  7. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    yup great post Surron. If an online community wants to survive it needs to keep new blood coming in at an equal or greater rate then old players retirement. I try to bump the p99 when I can with updates about what happens here.
  8. Cerebro

    Cerebro Member

    We totally don't need p99 levels of population but the server pop could easily double or triple from what it is now and still be an awesome place to play.

    I also think there are a lot of people out there that know about the server and are just bored of kunark. That may still be the case for velious too with p99 and other servers having it released. I really expect to see a retained population spike here once luclin and PoP are out as those are the expansions that haven't been done to death in recent history (or at least they won't have by the time they are released here).
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2015
  9. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    I also think it due to the client limitation and it's mostly the lacking of mouse scroll that kind of turn players away. But sad to say, we live in the era where most game tend to be easier to use than what it was in early 2000s and most players are accustomed to today's game features.
    Elroz likes this.
  10. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator


    What ur saying.

    If I disable the scroll wheel on p99....

    It wont be that big of a change to people?
    Luddwig, surron and Elroz like this.
  11. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    if u disabled mouse wheel scroll and cycle target features for 1 day, it might be the most entertaining day of p99's forums history
    Sturmm, Neealana and Speedz like this.
  12. Gumgak

    Gumgak Active Member

    I've never experienced the scroll wheel in EQ, haven't played past Kunark on live many years ago and my primary EQ experience being EQMac. Is the scroll wheel really so great as to make/break a decision to play the game or not?
  13. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    It's nice one you get used to it, but ignorance is bliss in this case.
  14. Cerebro

    Cerebro Member

    It takes all of 2 seconds to cycle your camera with F9 and Insert/Delete to get your distance to where you want it then just right click to get the angle you want. Mouse scroll is not a big deal at all... tab targetting is a bit of a hurdle at first but you learn to make due very quickly.
  15. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    New blood to sell my wares to would only interest me if we had a working ------.
  16. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    lol haynar, i would love to see the p99 forums blow up with a disabled mouse wheel. I feel a lot of those guys don't really understand everything the Titanium client does for them.
  17. Elrontaur

    Elrontaur People Like Me

    I can think of a number of ex AK players who aren't playing specifically because they don't want to start again from level 1. There are also another percentage that is waiting for later xpacs to be released, PoP to be available etc...
  18. Seknah

    Seknah Member

    Only real thing I wish was here was the Title window (ALT-T) I used it as a rear-view when pulling/kiting.
  19. Oiwon

    Oiwon People Like Me

    Once we are out of Kunark i think we will get more love. People's perception is that the content is limited and it's gonna be too competitive. Even though it's not accurate, it's easy to think that way because of how things were on p99 and considering how long they were stuck in this Era. I love this thread and i do my best on Facebook eq groups to promote the server. I don't want trash playing here too, but this server does tend to grow on you so i'm not too worried about people douching it up. I'm also totally fine with slowly but surely acquiring players along the way as we have been. People come and go in EQ. There were times when AK was packed full of active players and there were times when it was desolate.
  20. Pharuin

    Pharuin New Member

    The recruitment thread on p99 is riddled with back and forth comments between p2002 and takp players, we need to avoid any and all conflict with them on other forums because it looks dramatic and high schoolish. I'm not accusing either side of of the initial poop flinging, but just focus on talking about the good points of the server, and offer gear or plat to new players.
  21. Khorpus

    Khorpus Well-Known Member

    I agree, once Luclin and PoP are out I think we will see a drastic increase in player base.
    Oiwon likes this.
  22. Cerebro

    Cerebro Member

    All those luclin and pop newbs are gonna be so jelly of my epix.
  23. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    A big thing is really making sure people can setup the client and to troubleshoot their issues to the best of our ability. That is something that p2002 does well. If someone has tech difficulties, people help till the issue is resolved. Who wouldn't want to play on a server where they just had a bunch of people really help them get things working. Lame as it sounds, people want to feel like the server cares for them.
  24. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Like you are jelly of my mage~
  25. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    It would be a more entertaining day than when you guys disabled spell favorites after having them in place for so long.
  26. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I gauge the effectiveness of a classic implementation, based on how much nerd rage results.
    Bum, Speedz, robregen and 4 others like this.
  27. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Bumped our p99 thread again, lets try and keep it positive and regularly bumped =)