Content question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NBGT twitch, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. NBGT twitch

    NBGT twitch New Member

    After EQmac's shutdown, there's been alot of projects like this starting up! I absolutely love the classic Everquest client, but i'll have to ask about content.

    After you finish the originally intended goals for the original Expansions, Will you be making custom content to follow? Other servers are considering this (p99, ect) But I want to make sure.

    I don't want to play on the same maps/fight same bosses forever :(
  2. sourdiesel

    sourdiesel Active Member

    What other servers, there are exactly 2 and they use pretty much the same code set with minor differences. They both will be going up to PoP in an attempt to emulate EQmac. P99 has been around for years and will stop at Velious most likely, I haven't heard of them trying to do any custom content either.
  3. Tollen

    Tollen Member

    I watched a stream with some of the p99 devs, were they were considering doing a custom discord server but not changing the p99 server.

    found video link
  4. surron

    surron People Like Me

    You will probably have more fun on the official EQ Live progression servers if you are not looking for a hard capped expansion.

    Pretty much any emu out right now that does not contain custom content (The Hidden Forrest, EZServer, Shards of Dalaya, couple others) will have a set in stone hard capped expansion (p99 is Velious, TAKP is PoP, PEQ is GoD)
  5. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    You'll probably have to wait until this project is nearing its completion. By then, others with similar interests may build their own server off of the base with custom content going forward in mind.