Account limit compromise

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Xanthyn, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. Xanthyn

    Xanthyn Member

    Hi guys,
    I put this in Off Topic because the whole account limit thing has already been debated, explored, and decided upon. As an aside, I'm having a ton of fun with a 3 box, even though I voted and argued for a limit of 6.

    Anyway, since I am leveling multiple toons per account, I thought I'd put forth an idea for an interesting compromise. I think it would be interesting to increase the account limit, while keeping the box limit the same. That way we would be able to mix and match our team depending on the situation, while never having more than 3 on at once. Sometimes I need a bard or enchanter to help get single pulls, other times I want to swap the CC for a DPS character, etc. It would also allow us to let a friend play a toon that we have leveled, if we are trying to get them interested in the game.

    Just a thought, though I'm certainly not trying to resurrect a long dead issue. What can I say, I play a necromancer!

    Edit: Oh crud, I meant to post this in Off Topic, not General discussion. Sorry to spam the board- I'm not seeing an option to move/delete this post. D'oh!
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
  2. Sturmm

    Sturmm Well-Known Member

    In theory it's a great idea, and as someone who has 3-4 toons on every account, I'd also love to see this implemented. However, from what I remember of the original discussion, using a maximum of 3 game accounts is the main method by which the GMs are verifying no one is boxing more than 3-toons at once. Yes there are other methods, but (again, from what I recall), this idea was brought up originally and shot down for the above reasoning.
  3. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    This should take care of the main issue that has been brought up as far as trying to bypass the 3 account per forum name:
    Character Transfer Request
  4. Mipa

    Mipa New Member

    Surely it would be easier to just let people have say 6 game accounts under there forum name?
  5. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    This topic was discussed extensively during the initial vote. I still believe that 3 characters logged on at a time is a decent compromise. However, I also believe that the distinctions/ definitions between number of forum accounts, number of game accounts , and number of characters ( ' toons ) to have online and playing with at a time was a bit unclear .

    I do not know which would be more work for developers... to add more game accounts (with some initial character transfers for all you Kens out there ) or to have ( possible) daily transfers among the existing 3 game accounts.

    I also do not know whether the server can handle the additional load. I hope people are chipping in to PayPal ( or are helping in other ways ).
  6. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    Why do you people feel the need to petition change on every item voted into place?
  7. Sturmm

    Sturmm Well-Known Member

    "I hope people are chipping in to PayPal ( or are helping in other ways )."
    I for one have not yet chipped in because I haven't had a job in a few months, but I plan to once I start my new job soon.
  8. Xanthyn

    Xanthyn Member

    Hmm, I can sense that maybe it wasn't a great idea for me to prompt further discussion on this issue after it was already put to bed. Seems like a more sensitive topic than I realized at first. As much as I love to play the Necromancer, maybe we'd better let this one die before old grievances start to surface XD.

    I will definitely make use of the transfer request thread when It's time to re arrange my toons. Thanks Speedz! I am very stoked to see that there is a donate button now by the way, so that we can all contribute to this awesome server!!
  9. Pinoit

    Pinoit Well-Known Member

    From a social perspective, any more than 3 accounts per player would negatively impact the development of community. Other EQ Emus have already demonstrated how unsuccessful these types of environments are in terms of healthy community development.

    Community is the element that brings people back to these games. This is a delicate art that modern games seems to have long-ago forgotten how to implement, but it has something to do with a single person being able to master content of a game without the assistance of others. Once you cross that threshold, you may satisfy people who want a "single player experience", but those who play to interact with others quickly tire.

    The question here is, what kind of environment do people want on TAK? Solo experience, or community-driven? I myself prefer the former, but I do like being able to do some things on my own (playing classes other than the traditional solo classes).

    I won't bother to go into the technical implications of increasing the limits as there are others more qualified in how this server is built to explain, but I will say this: never underestimate the nefarious creativity of individuals looking to undermine structure for self-benefit.
  10. Mipa

    Mipa New Member

    This wasn't about allowing people to box more accounts, its simply for increasing the game accounts linked to the forum account, I have 7 level 50s on 3 accounts I would rather it was 7 level 50s on 7 accounts so I can mix and match my 3 box setup.
  11. sourdiesel

    sourdiesel Active Member

    People always 'confuse' login accounts with the max number of characters (boxes) you can have logged in. No one is trying to change the 3 box limit.

    Anyways, this is beating a dead horse because it will never be changed, keep dreaming.
  12. krenar

    krenar New Member

    they changed it to 6 accounts but only 3 logged in at a time on the p2002 server, so i guess it could be done here if wanted?
  13. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    They arent gonna change it. Not like this. Not any big change.

    May get them to address going from 3 to 4 accts. allowing only 3 on at a time. There are often needs for a utility char. Or a char for tradeskills. Whatever. I vote for bumping to 4 login accounts. That would solve so many issues. I dont think going to 5 or 6 does anything other than catering to farmers who will camp multiple locations easier. Or a very finite few.

    A 4th account for a camped cleric? How many times do you wipe at a deep in zone camp, due to getting bugged and spell bar freezes? So annoying to do a CR, not because u messed up.

    Neealana likes this.
  14. jeplin

    jeplin New Member

    I have played on a lot of EMU Servers and I hope to be playing here soon... The more you can box the less you want to interact with another real person. 4 Boxing and 6 Boxing has killed more server populations than anything in my experience.. When people can log in an entire group they have no need to enlist the help of anyone else to hold down an awesome exp camp or loot camp.. Its just kinda greed driven and not community building. I just saw an entire guild of 30+ real players torn apart because they could 4 box and had no real reason to play with others.
  15. devils04

    devils04 New Member

    I know this guild lol. And i hope you are here soon Crikzot. Grouping happens alot here. I have been included in groups and even sat chars out to help others.
  16. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    I would LOVE this. However, I do not know if making such changes would stress the behind the scenes technical mumbo-jumbo that I know nothing about. AKA Where the Magic Happens !

    I also feel that the original poll in Alpha, did not clarify well the difference between types of " accounts" (i.e game/forum/login, etc ). Instead it devolved into a bit of a flame-fest. ( Am very happy with max of 3 boxed, although would also vote for 2 to be max ).
  17. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    Aye, I think 2 would be great and 1 would be better (in my opinion) though I know we don't have the population to sport a healthy non boxing server. That being said, even as an avid non boxer I don't have a concern regarding more permitted game accounts, as long as 3 at a time is enforceable.

    My opinion, which matters not.
  18. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    A character transfer tool that allows me to move my characters to the correct account without bothering admins everytime I want to switch up my trio would be cool. In the meantime a little bit of planning when you make new characters goes a long way.
  19. ansar

    ansar New Member

    I would love to see unlimited game accounts per 1 forum account with a limit of only 3 logged in to the game at a time. I think this would solve the transferring characters all the time problem.
  20. Cerebro

    Cerebro Member

    Agree with the sentiment for a character transfer tool. More game accounts per login would be even better. Kind of unfair to those of us who havent inheritted multiple loggins from quitters to be restricted to 3 accounts. enough login accounts to have one of each class per account and the ability to move existing characters to the new accounts under the same forum account would be much appreciated. The people with access to only 3 login accounts at this point seem to be the minority.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2015