Research items

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Verdent, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    Where might I find some damn words for my researched spells? Almost all the words i've been using are coming from other characters/vendors. Very few dropped in unrest, almost none in highkeep so far, (only on goblins). I've heard some in SOLA but when i ventured there I didnt see any. Only killed about 10 mobs before I logged but i figured I should see a research item whether its a rune/word/page etc. I understand some words are rare, and some only drop off of several mobs and I don't want things to be made too easy but some classes are very dependent on research (necromancer). I do know for sure guards in HK should be dropping research mats.

    Maybe some others can put in their 2 cents or some advice about where to farm these.
  2. Mascha

    Mascha People Like Me

    I looted some low level words on Nek Guards - which seems strange, as I think I remember that only caster mobs dropped them, not mellee mobs, but I am not 100% sure that was the case on Al'Kabor. Funnily enough, Wooly mammoths in Everfrost also drop some words. I wonder if they can read and if they can, how they hold them to read.
  3. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    Guards in misty should drop words I believe. I imagine guards most places.
  4. Bottyburp1

    Bottyburp1 New Member

    Depends which words you are after. The alla clone seems quite accurate from my research but maybe you could list in the bazaar forum which words you are looking for? I have a bank full of words so if you catch me on, I'd be more than happy to check my bank to see if I have any you need.

    Some words can be a REAL big pain to get though so check the rarity of the words specifically you are looking for also!
  5. Nafgan

    Nafgan New Member

    If misty guards are supposed to be dropping words they don't seem to be. The little time I have to play I've been grinding out exp on the single spawn on the wall. I have yet to loot anything beyond the incorrect ring they are dropping and the shield/spears. Which reminds me... *heads to the bug reporting section*
  6. Neopolitan

    Neopolitan Member

    Loot tables and drop % are all out of whack on this server.
  7. Mascha

    Mascha People Like Me

    Perhaps we can gather information where what words drop. I will start with:

    Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 375 [left half]

    Drops often in Nek, Corporal D'Abth, at bridge.
  8. iance

    iance New Member

    Deputies in MT aren't dropping any pages according to Allaclone

    I think we need to purge all Research items from the database and add them to all mobs via global loot tables (in corresponding level ranges).

    For now you can hunt down the correct items by identifying a mob who drops it in the Allaclone, and then just going after him
  9. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    For now i think thats a great great idea!!

    Adds a little bit of spice to things, maybe make some rare words that aren't dropping currently drop off of an underutilized zone boss or mini boss.
  10. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    I'm not sure how much work this would take but this sounds a lot closer to how it was on live than what we've currently got. You could farm one zone all day and walk out with almost every research component for that tier. Not trying to sound too much like lance here but I think this may be magelo's fault for why there's very specific research materials dropping from very specific mobs, It's a good discussion!
  11. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    So the I'm guessing the neriak word quests all are not working but as of right now at least the quest for words of haunting isn't working. Just gave me the hand in items back.
  12. Nafgan

    Nafgan New Member

    I remember Live being something like this. I don't see very many "random world" drops dropping on mobs currently. I think gems/words would drop from certain humanoid mobs in level ranges. I vaguely remember people auctioning to buy words in the specific zones they would drop in that were populated (IE low level words from Oasis). I could be way off but throwing in my 2cp.

    An example I dug up
    There's a post mentioning he dropped a fire emerald. I doubt he dropped gems that often, but this is more evidence that humanoids should have a randomized item drop table. I realize this is probably a large undertaking as was already mentioned, but worth mentioning.