Confused Greenmist Crusader

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kazlan, Dec 31, 2016.

  1. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    Do people start with Allakhazam, or P99 ? , then edit the parts that are not AKkurate?
  2. Delorne

    Delorne People Like Me

    I did Greenmist and Whistling Fists on AK and I have done most of the Shaman Cudgel quests here on TAKP. There is something uniquely painful about these progressive Iksar quests, even though the concept behind them and the flavor/lore are some of the most enjoyable in the game. One of the biggest problems is the rare spawns/drops that have the player sitting in a certain zone well beyond when it would be beneficial to get exp in that area. Not just at one step, but several steps in the quest line. On top of that, it isn't until the penultimate or final quest when the reward starts to get some good stats on them, and whistling fists is a sad victim to rough itemization and the hasted rounding bug.

    That being said, the chance to explore Kunark through the lens of these quests is really enjoyable and it's an awesome accomplishment. Congrats on getting Greenmist! A unique look, a cool proc, and a great story.
    Hoodlum, OuterChimp and Break like this.
  3. OuterChimp

    OuterChimp Active Member

    Ookay, my dudes. I editted the wiki. Let me know what you think.
    GraveD and Elroz like this.