Confused Greenmist Crusader

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kazlan, Dec 31, 2016.

  1. Kazlan

    Kazlan New Member

    Hi guys. I'm trying to do the Droga bit of the Greenmist at the moment. I don't understand the keys needed and all the guides I can find are from diff versions of Droga. So far I have bone key and neck from pen master and quite a few keys from pen keeper including the stone key. I was under the impression stone key and bone key and neck were all that were needed but I can't unlock door to Iksar prisoners or door to the stupendous machine yet. What keys are those? Also will Argest give me back the keys or will I be locked in jail after turning on keys to him? Thanks!
  2. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    Just shrink and duck through the doors; you only need the quest keys.
  3. Kazlan

    Kazlan New Member

    I can't do that. Troll SK. Maybe race means not small enough when double shrunk. Or im too stupid. Is it the log in log out trick?
  4. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    try max shrink and ducking through the bars (between the bars), was able to do it on my ogre. If that doesnt work try levitating and doing it on a row higher, still need to duck though.
    John Stark and Mambo like this.
  5. Kazlan

    Kazlan New Member

    Trying again in a few then =)
  6. Kazlan

    Kazlan New Member

    That worked =)
  7. Sabine

    Sabine New Member

    Off topic but if you need help for the howling stones part hit me up. I've done north side solo (enchanter) but I'm scared to go deeper. I'd like to see the other wings/help kill drusella :)

    In game name : Sabinn
  8. Kazlan

    Kazlan New Member

    Think I Can get the mirror mq'ed, but wouldn't mind exploring hs anyway. Still only level 40 to 48 on my 3 toons so a bit low I think. Anyone tell me if master key to hs is in game. Forgot its name ATM. Something something hand maybe..!?
  9. Sabine

    Sabine New Member

    It's in game. Hand of Glory
  10. Textman

    Textman Member

    I've never played on a server with the revamped Droga. Looking ahead in the quest and using Allakabor I can see that the penmaster and penkeeper are level 33 mobs moved out to Frontier Mountains. My question is does the
    Droga Jail Key still drop from the prison warden? Allakabor lists him as a level 61 goblin still in Droga. If so, it'll be a while before I can handle a mob of that level.
    Quellious likes this.
  11. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    RossGuy, Quellious and Textman like this.
  12. Textman

    Textman Member

    Oh really? I just assumed it was Revamped Droga since Allakabor lists them out in FM. Thanks.
  13. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    Yeah I'm not sure why, but I noticed a few things with alla kabor are updated to around LoY/Veksar era, which doesn't fit correctly with AK/TAKP timeline
    Quellious likes this.
  14. Quellious

    Quellious Member

    Greenmist is so painful on this server.

    Admittingly, never done this on other server but it took 12hrs in Dalnir, 12hrs in City of Mist, 12hrs and counting in Droga (waiting on a stone key from penkeeper).. T_T
  15. anotheregostar

    anotheregostar Well-Known Member

    Those are rookie numbers my friend. Took me 150h.
    Quellious likes this.
  16. OuterChimp

    OuterChimp Active Member

    I'm plugging away. I can say about 8 hours in Dalnir. At least 12 hours in CoM. Took a couple weeks a couple hours a day. It was painful. I figured that was the toughest....

    Now in Droga. This past Sunday was my first day. A few penmasters/keepers but none of the drops I needed. I'll keep trying.
  17. OuterChimp

    OuterChimp Active Member

    Still plugging a way. A few cycles each day - maybe 4 or 5 cycles. I get him to spawn in the cell in which you drop down from above in. I get him about every 2 or 3 spawns. I have yet to get one of the needed greenmist drops. /ugh!
  18. OuterChimp

    OuterChimp Active Member

    Alright my dudes, Sunday morning I managed to get the bone key and bone necklace. Go figure, but I managed to get about 4 bone keys in a friggen row. Now just for the stone key. Wish me luck. I can confirm the spawns are the locked cell (the one you fall down into from upstairs) has a spawn spot. You can get out of this cell through the false wall to the cell with the broken door where the interegator spawns. 3 spawns out in the room right outside the cells (none of these were spawning the penkeeper/master for me). Then oustide the two gates there are a few spawns near the log fire. Pull those goblins as the penkeeper/master (not sure exactly which one) can spawn in one of these spots. I'm not sure exactly which spot was spawning as I was having to spell pull through the locked gates.
    Elroz likes this.
  19. gravity

    gravity Member

    Decided to try to get all 3 scrolls in CoM since I've been xp'ing at the stables.

    Ugh. Got the first 2 scrolls but it's been at least 12-15 hrs since and no luck on the third scroll yet.

    This is gonna be nasty.
  20. OuterChimp

    OuterChimp Active Member

    Alright my dudes. Yes, Droga was worse than CoM (at least for me). I got the penmaster to spawn outside the jail itself. There is a little log campfire. There are about 3 or so spawns around there. The penmaster (which drops the bone key and bone necklace) spawns here. These are the two keys you need to open those first two gates to get into the "Jail" itself.

    Once you are in the jail. The Iksars are in the locked cell to the right. There are two cells right in front of you (as you come into the jail from "outside" the jail). The locked cell right ahead is also the cell in which you fall down from if you come into the jail from teh pit trap above. That cell has one spawn. This is the spawn which can spawn the Penkeeper which drops the Stone Key. This cell has a false wall which leads you to the cell with the broken down door. This broken down door cell only ever spawned the goblin interrogator for me.

    There is another cell with a locked door which has the pottery wheel and one goblin spawn point.

    There are 3 spawn points in the center part of the jail.

    My SK was a gnome so she could just run through the gates - I'm guessing you'll need shrink or just do the keys in order from outside to inside if you are a big race.

    The iksar you need to do the turn in to (bone key, bone nekclace and stone key) is the iksar that looks like it has chain armor on. Just kill the other two iksars or let them respawn (it seems like the iksar with chain armor on would pop every now and then without killing the regular iksars.

    Couple notes on how i did it. I did it as a 50 trio SK/cleric/Mage. I dropped down from above right into the Penkeeper cell. That was my camp spot. You can camp right in there and the only goblin you agro is penkeeper or his PH. Then I'd kill the interrogator in the next cell (you get to this cell by the false wall). Then the 3 spawns in the common area of the jail. Then i'd kill the goblin in the pottery cell. Then I'd spell-pull the 3 spawns outside the jail near the log fire pit (these are the ones you need to kill to get the penmaster to spawn).

    Hope this helps! Good luck!
    Frosst, Elroz and Mokli like this.
  21. gravity

    gravity Member

    I assume you must be Skar! Thank you for the help in Droga I got my key also.

    Let me know if you need any help killing the Cliff Golem or getting the herbalist in Chardok. Can get a History of Greenmist in the bazaar for cheap to save time.

    All I need now is the Greenish Metal Shard and the Mirror from Drusella and I'm done!
    OuterChimp likes this.
  22. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    While the mirror is no drop, someone else can hand in the mirror for you, they will get it back and allow you to turn in your items. If you know someone with it, it will save you some headache of camping Drusella.
    Last edited: May 26, 2023
    Pithy likes this.
  23. Break

    Break People Like Me

    Edit: I just realized that I have the wrong mirror. I didn't realize that there was a difference between cracked mirror of self loathing and mirror of self loathing. I guess the one I have was the one that was returned after I previously MQ'd it.
    Last edited: May 26, 2023
    Pithy likes this.
  24. nworbetan

    nworbetan Member

    The cracked mirror is supposed to summon the quest npc just the same as the uncracked one.

    A person doing the quest without spoilers might need to talk to the npc twice: the first time to get the list of items they want and the second time to hand in the quest items.

    Using spoiler websites lets you get your items ready to turn in the first time you talk to the Haggle Baron, so the second use of the mirror isn't usually needed.
    Break likes this.
  25. gravity

    gravity Member

    Got my Greenmist on Friday! Thanks again to Drepidus for the mirror MQ!

    And yes the shattered mirror also works to spawn the Haggle Baron. I got lucky and got the History of Greenmist and the Greenish Metal Shard in bazaar all for a whopping 150p. Saved me a ton of time plus I was planning to keep my Chardok faction good for the regal band quest in the near future.

    Best thing about Greenmist is the effect. It procs a lot and keeps my SK hps from dropping, druid didn't even need to heal him for several mobs. Love it, can't wait to take it into SSRA for that extra damage soon.
    Break, Frosst, Elroz and 3 others like this.
  26. OuterChimp

    OuterChimp Active Member

    awesome! I had a guildly help with glowing golem. he was a pushover. Just got HS keye'd. Ughh, i'm not a fan of that zone. HOw'd you manage to get a MQ for it?
  27. Break

    Break People Like Me

    I'd be happy to get the mirror out of my bag. People go after Drusella for the urn, and those mirrors seem to drop more often. That's how I ended up with mine at least.
  28. OuterChimp

    OuterChimp Active Member

    Many thanks to hall who helped me along the way.

    I did the Greenmist quest as a gnome SK bertox follower. It was a long adventure, but worth it in the end. Ran into quite a few good folks and got help from many others.

    If you have any questions about any step along the way, please reach out to me in game as i'm normally on my main trio Skaruga / Garuga / Maruga
    Break, Pithy, Elroz and 2 others like this.
  29. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    Now you can write all that up for the WIKI while it is fresh in your mind!
    Break likes this.
  30. OuterChimp

    OuterChimp Active Member

    Alright, i created a takp wiki account. Is there a link to the greenmist quest?
    Neealana likes this.