
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Jun 8, 2022.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member


    * minor tweaks to double attack/dual wield calc
    * try to fix client lockup after charm/fear fades
    * adjusted client casting interrupts to work better with fear and generate some missing interrupt text for bard songs
    * wizard familiar buff protected from dispel
    * adjust merchant sell price rounding to fix currency desync
    * adjusted bertox (codecay) AoE to hit players more reliably
    * Added faction emotes. These are the enter combat emotes that occurred after the NPC's unique emote. E.g. 'you have ruined your lands' and 'filthy race like you must die'. Note that these were removed from most NPCs mid-Luclin so far fewer NPCs will do it here.
    * Non-hostile talking race NPCs will now randomly turn and face nearby clients.
    * Permarooted NPCs will now return to their proper headings on deaggro and hails.
    * Fear effects now interrupt spell casts.
    * Fixed some minor issues with targeted AoE spells.
    * Fennin Ro and Quarm will no longer disappear after returning to their guard locations.
    * Charmed pets will no longer emote when entering combat.
    * convert material slot to texture slot into a more readable format
    * clean up Rules


    * Nektulos: Added missing NPC Leatherfoot Deputy
    * Nektulos: Leatherfoot Deputy / Leatherfoot Medic now roams


    * Finished first pass of Vanilla Dialogues, most npc's that had dialogue in vanilla zones now have dialogue on TAKP to match. This includes NPC's that give info on cultural crafted armors, weapons, and haversacks, depending on the starting city.
    * Updated Kelethin, Crushbone, Felwithe, and Ak'anon quests. (Updated/added faction hits, rewards, dialogues, minimum faction checks, Failed Hand-in messages, and dialogues if you lack faction, to match info available.)
    * Removed 5 quests that were added with the Troll's move to neriak (out of era) :
    Bregna's Big Mistake
    Treskar No. 1
    Treskar No. 2
    Treskar No. 3
    Treskar No. 4
    Mechaike, Walex, Linkamus and 4 others like this.
  2. kai4785

    kai4785 People Like Me

    Bard songs are ending when I sit down, unless I sit during the 3 second cast. Is this intentional?
    Gerrish likes this.
  3. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    Not intentional, will change it back for next patch.
    Gerrish and kai4785 like this.
  4. GreldorEQ

    GreldorEQ Active Member

    Yaulp also ends when you sit, not sure if thats normal either
  5. necra

    necra People Like Me

    Which yaulp
  6. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    Yaulp V and Yaulp VI fade when sitting, that's been implemented for years.
  7. GreldorEQ

    GreldorEQ Active Member

    all good then, im new to clericing! it was yaulp v
  8. kai4785

    kai4785 People Like Me

    Ya, you'll find that those Yaulps also don't work while on a horse, just as if you're sitting.
  9. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    this is still not fixed FYI

    chorus of marr stops if you sit down
  10. Aithne

    Aithne Member

    Hm works for me. I can sit down and song continues to run.
  11. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    here is a video of the issue

  12. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    As somebody pointed out and upon further testing, this appears to be a Spell Gem #1 issue

    Whatever song you play in Spell gem #1 will stop playing when you sit :(

  13. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks for the info, just first slot I guess.
  14. Break

    Break People Like Me

    That's something I would never have noticed because I keep Requiem of Time there. No wonder I couldn't duplicate your results.
    showstring likes this.
  15. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Hmmmm. I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but my client now seems to lock up a lot more frequently on death. Basically if I die while in middle of any AA ability or even some disciplines, my client will lock up when I spawn naked at bind point. I've had my naked client lock up after:
    • Pressing divine arbitration
    • Pressing Eldritch Rune
    • Typing in /disc whirlwind
    It's very unusual. On my Ranger i used disc whirlwind, I got killed anyway (lag?), then when I spawned my client was pseudo locked up until i zoned again (rez).

    Anyone else experiencing anything similar?
  16. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    when i lock up from dying mid cast etc, i've been able to clear it up by opening spellbook. My lockups have always been from dying mid cast on regular spells, haven't had it on AA's yet (although I don't have many aa spells for it to happen on). I haven't noticed it happening any more than it used to, though. If you used /disc whirlwind on your ranger though that might be why you died, u need to use weaponshield.
  17. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    yeah I lock-up when dying mid-cast also :/

    sorry you're right on the correct name. I hit this button, so it did the thing and the disc emote is in my logs right before getting rekt

    Elroz likes this.