Question regarding bug fixing philosophy on this server

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by stars2heaven, May 26, 2022.

  1. stars2heaven

    stars2heaven New Member

    So I came across a bug in a quest yesterday and thought about reporting it but I've also been wondering about the general design philosophy around Al'Kabor. In general, if a quest was broken/bugged on the original AK, does that mean there is no intent to fix it here? I'm guessing that bug reporting on quests needs to be able to demonstrate how the quest would have worked then?

    The quest that got me thinking about this is a low level quest and happens to be this one:
    Insect carapace shields:

    All the dialogue from the quest giver and items for the quest exist, but the hand in doesn't. As far as I can tell, this was broken on AK based on a comment from 2002.
  2. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    If you find something that you think is broken/bugged and could have existed on AK, i'd say go ahead and report it. Worst case scenario is it's something that's already been looked at and was decided not to be added/fixed. In that example you used there, since the comment specifically says it doesn't work on AK, that's probably why it wasn't implemented here. Sometimes there are quests that should work here but didn't get figured out / posted on allakhazams until after AK's timeline. For instance the last patch, I added a little quest with Brother Nallin, it wasn't put on allakhazam's until 2015. I dug around a little bit and found a comment from 2001 that shows good evidence the quest has always been there.

    There's also things like "do all the items involved in the quest exist in our database?", and if not, is it because the item was outside of our item ID range? If it's outside the ID range, then it couldn't have existed on AK. Sometimes there's quests that existed, and had extremely rare items, or were done so rarely that the quest items involved weren't added to the lucy database. Example of that would be Renni's Rock Collection, the quest definitely existed, but requires a whirling crystal from spinflint (extremely rare named, extremely rare drop, rarer than slime crystal staff). So for that quest, the combined box doesn't exist on lucy to this day, so we don't have it either.

    There's some grobb quests that I believe existed on AK, but since trolls moved to neriak and didn't get moved back to grobb for such a long time, there's hardly any info pre-2002 on allakhazams about them. I added one of them to the vanilla quests list, because there was evidence that the npcs existed, and that all the items were in the DB. I just need to go on live and get all the dialogues and spawn locations to implement it.

    I guess long story short, it doesn't hurt to ask if you think a quest is missing, it very well could be.

    edit: i looked into that shadeweavers quest example, it looks like the hand-in was what was broken, so all the dropped items existed and the dialogue was all there, but the final reward isn't in our database (the quest was fixed in 2005, and the reward was made, so the item ID was out of our range).
    Last edited: May 26, 2022
  3. stars2heaven

    stars2heaven New Member

    Thanks for the explanation! I'll heed your advice if I come across any more.
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